Is Social Science Politically Biased?, Asks Michael Shermer in Scientific American
Surely as scientists, liberals are able to maintain their dispassionate objectivity
Surely as scientists, liberals are able to maintain their dispassionate objectivity
Lawrence Dennis, Norman Thomas, A.J. Muste, and Raymond Moley debate the ideal social system.
From gun control to climate change
The contemporary anti-science left
Leftists need to understand most people don't agree with them no matter how loudly they declare to be speaking for "us"
Capitalism helps reduce racism and sexism.
Amanda Curtis seeks to replace plagiarist Democrat John Walsh.
The Democratic Party is torn between a liberal establishment that wants more government, and an even more liberal wing that wants the same thing squared.
How libertarians and leftists are changing American politics, from foreign policy to Ferguson.
Says it taught him how big you can get government
The late Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States, puts today's lefties to shame.
The Peace and Freedom Party nominates a former sitcom star.
As Islam navigates shoals of extremism, the left lumps legitimate criticism with bigotry.
Translating the revolutionary consciousness of voiceless animals is no more silly than doing the same for human beings.
The rise of the alternative media is a story that goes beyond the New Left.
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