Bryan Johnson: Can This Rich Transhumanist Beat Death?
Bryan Johnson, venture capitalist and founder of Blueprint, discusses his $2 million a year effort to reverse aging on Just Asking Questions.
Bryan Johnson, venture capitalist and founder of Blueprint, discusses his $2 million a year effort to reverse aging on Just Asking Questions.
What does "longtermism" offer those of us who favor limited government and free markets?
The Of Boys and Men author documents why the modern male is struggling and suggests solutions that don't come at women's expense.
Plus: Due process shouldn’t conflict with #MeToo goals, the stupidity of the war on vaping, and more…
A fascinating and challenging new book argues that "life gets better after 50."
A decade or more of "obesity paradox" research is just plain wrong.
Two new studies report experiments that successfully reverse aging
Here's hoping that we've not been born one generation too early.
Some bioethicists think that 75 years of life is enough for you.
Bad news: Most of us have got to eat less to live longer
Also most babies will be created using skin cells and the bioethics of radical life extension
My fellow Americans should not get to vote on what enhancements I might want
Rich men average 12 years longer; rich women average 10 years more.
But even after adjustment, the death rate trend for white middle-aged American women is still rising
'twas the salmon mousse
Good work if you can get it
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