French Government Seeking To Ban Amazon From Providing Discounts and Free Delivery
Not fans of competition
Not fans of competition
Allows existing businesses to veto newcomers
Groups cater to everyone from Pentecostals to pagans
Think gas is expensive? Regulations are what's really costing you at the pump.
Victory for consumers, entrepreneurs and the Institute for Justice
Ouya starts shipping to backers; will formally launch in June
Help a store deliver merchandise and get discounts
Want to force changes to search algorithms
Union job protection efforts a barrier
Do they really not understand how much competition there is in this market?
Safari users will be able to bypass iTunes
Not a government-based solution
The government isn't punishing my competition for competing with me!
Unions, management and the market all had their swings at the former snack giant
It's going to take a little more than that
Not every small business failure is due to the economy
$2.5 million on candidates to protect billions in profits from the market
Because ordering companies to be competitive always works
Bad call in Green Bay/Seattle game was the result of an anti-competitive cartel that is getting worse.
Hearings will begin in December
State would be better off creating a business-friendly environment than paying-off favored companies
Salt in the wound after winning $1 billion from the South Korean competitor
Online retailer could be looking to challenge Apple's iphone
How do people benefit from fewer choices again?
But his former colleagues might give it the old college try, just for giggles
Crisis spurs revival in efforts to offer good products at good prices
Proposal would provide no environmental benefits and deepen city's economic depression.
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