Amanda Knox Was Falsely Charged With Murder. Italy Calls Her Coerced Confession 'Slander.'
"I can tell you that I have never been put in a position of doubting my own sanity like I was in the hands of those police officers," Knox tells Reason.
"I can tell you that I have never been put in a position of doubting my own sanity like I was in the hands of those police officers," Knox tells Reason.
Murthy v. Missouri challenges government efforts to suppress dissenting viewpoints on social media.
Round 3 in the debate between Hamburger and Somin over the First Amendment and Murthy
Sen. Mike Lee's "technological exploitation" bill also redefines consent.
Government bullying won’t fix censorship caused by government bullying.
"On its face, the CARE Act violates essential constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection while needlessly burdening fundamental rights to privacy, autonomy and liberty," the petition states.
The proposal is "about behavior modification," argued state Sen. Patty Kuderer, likening the government's role in promoting voting to that of a parent.
Criminal justice advocates are pushing to pass legislation to tighten rules for juvenile interrogations, but the NYPD is not on board.
Language in the American Rescue Plan Act prohibits states from using the funds "directly or indirectly" to offset lost revenues from tax cuts.
The highly dubious lawsuit filed by four blue states against the the law capping federal tax deductions for state and local taxes is now truly dead in the water.
Requiring kids as young as 5 to either get vaccinated or stay home is not as smart or as necessary as de Blasio claims.
By virtue of representing the correct vision of the good, these conservatives say, they have every right to use the coercive power of the state to interfere with others' choices.
Since meager testing resources left officials ignorant of crucial facts about the epidemic, they made policy decisions without the evidence necessary to assess their proportionality.
Individual autonomy is not the cause of our problems and state autonomy is not the solution
Cass Sunstein's latest book puts a lot of faith in the efficacy of government to structure our choices.
Down the perilous path toward Lysenkoism in which only officially approved science is allowed
Reproductive central planning works as badly as economic central planning
A remembrance of Thomas Szasz, courageous defender of freedom and responsibility
Forcing humanity to remain relatively stupid and sick doesn't make us freer
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