Bad News for Universal Basic Income
Researchers found that giving people $1,000 every month for three years resulted in decreased productivity and earnings, and more leisure time.
Researchers found that giving people $1,000 every month for three years resulted in decreased productivity and earnings, and more leisure time.
Though alas, the long shot primary challenger probably will not.
For good and ill, human beings advance through trial and error. The same will be the case with A.I.
Andrew Yang's rebooted Forward Party glosses over Americans’ conflicting values and preferences.
"We need to break up the duopoly, and the mechanical way to break up the duopoly is by shifting to open primaries and ranked choice votings so that every perspective has a shot."
Can the government really cut everyone a check without bankrupting the country and killing labor force participation?
The former presidential candidate talks about UBI, race relations, ranked-choice voting, his new political party Forward, and how "the duopoly is killing us."
Gotham voters are trending toward candidates who acknowledge that violent crime is up, and that school closures were terrible.
When government doesn't deliver, voters look for unpolished candidates from outside government. Go figure.
The NYC mayoral hopeful tweeted his foot into his mouth.
The New Hampshire polls have closed, and the businessman and math advocate is no longer a candidate for president.
Government solutions to the opioid overdose crisis have contributed to the problem, and no candidate really wants to acknowledge it.
Plus: China takes campus free speech issues to a new level, Bloomberg wants to take away your vape, and more...
The Democratic presidential candidate wants to keep prostitution customers criminalized while "decriminalizing sex work on the part of the seller."
Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang thinks so.
The answer to real and imagined problems is always spend more, regulate more.
The presidential hopeful on Thursday released a plan to regulate tech giants.
The entrepreneur argued instead for a federal universal basic income proposal that would provide every American $1,000 a month.
The presidential contenders hyped the "epidemic" of gun violence and the threat posed by school shootings while perpetuating myths about "assault weapons," background checks, and the Second Amendment.
Plus: Attacks on Saudi Arabia unlikely to raise U.S. oil prices
Plus: Andrew Yang opts out of cancel culture, Andrew Cuomo wants to crack down on flavored e-cigarettes, and more...
A progressive who wants to empower the little guy instead of big government
Elizabeth Warren is probably the worst of the bunch when it comes to protectionism, but few alternatives are emerging.
In the latest primary showdown, Democrats talked health care and trade but left debt and deficits behind.
Most Democrats agreed, though Andrew Yang argued that it made more sense to fund families directly.
The entrepreneur and long shot presidential candidate finds a libertarian-sounding way to pitch free money to voters.
The long shot presidential candidate wants booming cities to get rid of their restrictions on new development.
Climate change is a problem, but the end of the world is not scheduled for 2030.
Yang wants to bail out malls that are struggling to compete with online retailers, but Amazon is already putting some of those dead retail spaces to better use.
The Democratic presidential candidate is the latest example that occupational licensing is truly a bipartisan battle.
If the past is any sort of guide to what comes next, his fears about a jobless economy (and his policy prescriptions to fix it) are completely misplaced.
The one potential holdout? Joe "gateway drug" Biden.
The 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful is running on a "Freedom Dividend" plan which promises a $1,000 per month UBI.
No robots need apply.
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