Ira Stoll is editor of and author of JFK, Conservative.
Remembering The Woman Who Helped Keep Massachusetts' Taxes Down
Barbara Anderson worked hard to improve the state's economic climate.
Barbara Anderson worked hard to improve the state's economic climate.
Perhaps even a threat by Yale to move would force Connecticut to rethink its endowment tax plan.
Obama was born in 1961. But instead of moving toward a relative youngster, voters are going for candidates born in the 1940s.
Will Obama go for a fight that will mobilize the Democratic base, or choose a candidate who has some distantly plausible chance of confirmation?
Veterans may not now have a choice of where to go for health care. But they will have a choice in November's election, as we all will.
Don't discount Michael Bloomberg yet.
If you are fed up with both the left and the right, the 2016 candidate pool is a sad state of affairs.
Test your pre-cog skills with this pop quiz about the year ahead.
The freedom to set prices free of government coercion makes for better newspapers and better medicine.
Both major parties are dead wrong when it comes to the free movement of people and capital across borders.
Should voters trust Hillary Clinton's promise not to raise taxes?
Plenty of Americans prefer the convenience of banking somewhere large.
Some questions informed by reporting on the campaign trail...
This candidate promises to "take a hard look at licensing requirements from state to state" and simplify small-business taxes.
The Benghazi hearings amount to a kind of poetic justice.
An executive whose bank faltered while he was highly compensated reviews a book on the Fed for the New York Times.
They don't make Republicans like Jack Kemp anymore.
The vast reach of government as a payer for health care means that drug companies are to a large degree government contractors, and patients are suffering.
All three of these political stars of the moment are drawing big crowds by the dangerous old method of blaming a minority.
Are young Americans actually being seduced by the lure of socialism?
To progressive campaign finance reformers, freedom of speech depends on who you are or what you say.
Compare the ruthless accountability imposed within the televised Trump world with the lack of accountability in the federal government.
Compare the lines at the Magic Kingdom with those at the Orlando International Airport and behold the advantage of free markets over government monopolies.
Markets are finally taking note of the fact that the GOP candidate atop the polls is someone whose policies are the opposite of the pro-growth approach.
Republican candidates appear to be ignoring the topic.
On the issues, there's more overlap between the two 2016 presidential candidates than you might expect.
The complicated political dynamics between rich presidential candidates and poorer ones far predate the 20th century.
Why privilege solar over all the other technologies, including some that may not even be invented yet?
For starters, why spend more federal money on space exploration? And why subsidize the Milwaukee Bucks?
Notwithstanding her rhetoric about growth and empowering entrepreneurs, Clinton's speech was none too keen on capitalism.
When a non-profit foundation spends millions to change federal policy, the expenditure deserves some attention-regardless of how the organization leans politically.
Pay no attention to those who want to abolish SCOTUS
The GOP presidential hopeful has ignited a debate about economic growth.
Bill Clinton offered a tradeoff, while Hillary Clinton may be offering a handout.
The conservative senator takes a page from Kennedy's pro-growth economic playbook.
The federal government should not be in the railroad business.
An economic clash emerges between two liberal titans.
Buffett's economic views don't always match reality.
A rebellion is brewing in liberal Brookline, Massachusetts over raising property taxes.
According to the left, Apple "didn't build that." Big government did.
The freshman Florida senator has a mixed record on the issues.
A lesson in basic economics courtesy of an old Toyota.
The Democrats should look elsewhere for a new Senate leader.
The latest economic nonsense from the mayor of New York City.
The Wisconsin governor has shown courage under fire from organized labor and its allies.
The famous investor has an opportunistic relationship with big government.
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