Poll: 57 Percent Believe it is Unconstitutional for the President to Kill Americans Suspected of Terrorism
Only 31 percent think it is ok
Only 31 percent think it is ok
And they really hate drones.
But it's not very forthcoming
Academia doesn't like to call them drones
Bipartisanship to reduce government power! That doesn't happen often.
They'll probably make sure of it, in fact, in order to scare citizens
Left list that highlights 22 ways they can try to avoid detection
Worried about long waits in lines at Customs and Immigration
No indication how many of them are innocent of any wrong-doing
Technology can't avoid crashes and they're vulnerable to hacking
Cashing in on tools that will undoubtedly be used to spy on and detain political opposition
Drones intended for surveillance use
At least 16 civilians killed
"Obama cue" affects support on issues ranging from the president's kill list to healthcare.
Unilateral death from the sky makes some people nervous
Probable cause would be required to peek at non-public areas
Want to avoid the sort of diaster visited upon Boeing 787
Votes won't happen until after next week's recess
Says The chickens are coming home to roost" while discussing the CIA's drone program
Also release plan that outlines a plan they claim will protect the privacy of citizens
One presumes it depends on which political party is calling the shots
Export-Import Bank loan guarantees benefit non-U.S. airlines
Doesn't bode well for the idea of limited government authority, not to mention civil liberties
Drones and transparency.
Likely delayed until late February
Were still playing coy with the memo after it was leaked
Airport officials disapproved of special treatment, entire flight delayed while they were searched