Time Magazine's Michael Grunwald Called for a Drone Strike on Julian Assange of Wikileaks
This is the same Grunwald who called for more government control of everything
Six Alleged Al Qaeda Militants Killed in Suspected US Drone Strike
U.S. embassy in Yemen was recently evacuated amid security concerns
American Officials Say Obama Administration Authorized Recent Drone Strikes in Yemen
Part of effort to foil Al Qaeda plot
Small Town in Colorado Considers Issuing Licenses to Hunt Drones
Ordinance being voted on tonight in Deer Trail, Colorado
Kerry Optimistic Pakistan Drone Strikes Will End Soon
Because they're successful, not because of horrifying collateral damage and outrage
Report: CIA Follows Up Drone Strikes With Attacks on Rescuers
The UN considers the tactic a war crime
John Kerry: Drone Strikes in Pakistan Will Continue
US, Pakistan trying to re-open broad talks suspended two years ago
The FBI Has Flown Drones 10 Times in the US Since 2006
Made revelation to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
Rand Paul Asks FBI For More Information On Domestic Drone Surveillance, Internal Approval Process
FBI acknowledged using drones in eight cases since 2006, six criminal and two national security
Leaked Report Shows High Civilian Death Toll from Drone Strikes
94 killed in Pakistan reportedly children
Federal Judge Troubled by Government Argument That US Targeted Killings Not Subject to Court Review
Including that of a sixteen-year-old American citizen in Yemen
While Protecting Drone Strikes from Suit, DOJ Argues Courts Can't Enforce Constitutional Rights
That's a scary argument,the judge notes
Colorado Town Mulls Licensing Bounty Hunters to Shoot Down Drones
Not quite fish in a barrel
Rand Paul Will Block New FBI Head Unless Bureau Comes Clean on Domestic Drone Use
Mueller has been stonewalling
Report Reveals Civilian Casualties of U.S. Drone Strikes in Yemen
These are real people
16 Suspected Militants Killed By Drone in Northern Pakistan
Pakistan's government not happy about violation of their sovereignty
Germany Claims to Have Uncovered Terrorist Plot Involving Model Planes
Oh, look. Terrorists are discovering drones.
Turkish Police Shoot Down Private Drone Over Protesters
A bit like high-consequence skeet