Does Circumcision Cause Autism?
Danish study reports circumcised boys at 50 percent greater risk of autism.
Danish study reports circumcised boys at 50 percent greater risk of autism.
The connection between increasing IQs, decreasing violence, and economic liberalism
How U.S. public health authorities helped fuel the anti-vaccine movement
How is this question related to actual federal policy?
Another shocking result from social science!
The real scandal is climate model failure
How do we deal with the false perception that liberals are more inclined to trust science than conservatives?
Who owns your body? This is a question the government does not want to answer truthfully.
Naturally the usual bioluddites are eager to stop progress.
Let's hope that the senator misspoke and will soon clarify his remarks
The balance of risks and benefits tilts overwhelmingly toward getting your kids vaccinated.
Disinformation specialists are everywhere
Anti-vaxxers it's past time for you to get over your superstition and get your kids vaccinated.
By opposing e-cigarettes, anti-tobacco activists are very likely killing people
So let slip the robots of war?
Senators vote 50 to 49 that it is "sense of the Senate" that "human activity significantly contributes to climate change."
European Food Safety Authority finds "no consumer health risk from bisphenol-A exposure."
'The rest of us are assuming all of the risks.'
Despite alarming headlines to the contrary
Reel violence does not lead to real violence.
"Decoupling" human economy from ecology could render large areas of pastures, croplands, and managed forests too remote for exploitation.
Despite steep regulatory barriers, researchers are exploring the therapeutic possibilities of ecstasy, acid, and mushrooms.
The goal must be to find ways for liberty and the environment to flourish together, not to sacrifice one in the vain hope of protecting the other.
GenePeeks aids parents in their quest for healthier babies by reducing the odds of structural or genetic birth defects.
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