Break Up Big Seed!
Don't regulate modern safe crops created using CRISPR gene-editing.
Fomenting another useless moral panic over biotechnology
"No substantiated evidence of a difference in risks to human health between current commercially available genetically engineered (GE) crops and conventionally bred crops"
Malthusians are never right and never win.
Blame any zika-caused microencephaly on Friends of the Earth, the Center for Food Safety, Food & Water Watch, and GMO Free USA
Moms: Get a clue-organic wines are carcinogens.
Sanders is basically enabling an unscientific disinformation campaign.
Farmers would have to plow down an area roughly equal to Connecticut.
Yet Congress is keeping parents from using modern biotech to prevent disease in their offspring
Activists hope that consumers will misinterpret GMO ingredient taglines as "warning" labels
A debate over biotechnology previews the regulatory innovation that could stop innovation
A raving anti-tech activist's conspiracy theory about Chipotle's recent E. coli outbreaks.
It only took 20 years to obtain bureaucratic permission
Yes. Next question.
Let us decide for ourselves if genetic ignorance is bliss.
Enjoy the delicious schadenfreude
Neurotracking, video games, laughing rats, brainwave sniper training, robot love, and a "pernicious libertarian"
Terrific Slate article agrees with what Reason has been reporting for years now.
Preempts costly state mandatory labeling laws
Danish researcher claims that plastics and cosmetics are emasculating.
Or so some hyperventilating scaremongering nitwits would have you think.
Is life better than death; health better disease; wealth better than poverty? Opinions vary.
Is progress itself an ethical obligation? Opinions vary.
Voluntary GMO labeling will express religious views and strictures much like halal and kosher labels do now.
The company hopes to profit from groundless customer fears
The food chain tries to profit from anti-biotech propaganda
Bioethicists and scientists who say otherwise are wrong.
Legislators and judge fall for anti-biotech disinformation campaign
Permissionless innovation works best for both scientific and moral progress.
WaPo editors counter anti-biotech activist's disinformation campaign
We don't, say the bioluddites over at Friends of the Earth and Consumers Union
Room for buffalo to roam and antelope to play.
Now watch the bioluddites swarm out of the policy woodwork.
Malthusian doomsters foiled again.
Q&A With Cambrian Genomics' Austen Heinz
Q&A With Cambrian Genomics' Austen Heinz
European Food Safety Authority finds "no consumer health risk from bisphenol-A exposure."
GenePeeks aids parents in their quest for healthier babies by reducing the odds of structural or genetic birth defects.
The promise of technical end-runs around government ineptitude
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