Elon Musk Is Wrong about Artificial Intelligence and the Precautionary Principle
The Tesla and SpaceX founder "summons the demon" of regulation.
The Tesla and SpaceX founder "summons the demon" of regulation.
In Radicals Chasing Utopia, transhumanist enthusiasm gets a bad rap.
Fourth Amendment privacy is more important once our thoughts are stored outside our wetware.
Blockchain, CRISPR, and Machine Learning
Algocracy and its effect on government decision making
Robot overlords coming to a government agency near you.
Microsoft released a simulacrum of a teenager into the digital wild. Guess what happened next!
DeepMind's AlphaGo may signal the advent of the age of computational thaumaturgy
Until the time that Minsky is either revived or uploaded, may he rest in peace
A scitech research and policy round up for January 5, 2016
The Singularity is closer and dumber than you think.
Lethal autonomous weapons are too dangerous to develop.
On Trump, Jon Stewart, Mike Huckabee, Iran, and A.I. deathbots
So let slip the robots of war?
Lethal autonomous weapon systems might be more moral than human soldiers.
The pitfalls of artificial intelligence
In a thoughtful new book, a philosopher ponders the potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence and the possibility of human extinction
From chimpanzees to artificial intelligence, science is raising important questions about just who, and what, has rights.
The future world of autonomous agents is likely to be as glorious and messy as we are.
But you can leave them in the closet for days without getting into trouble
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