Lawn-Sign Liberalism vs. Supply-Side Progressivism
"Supply-side progressives" like Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson are ultimately technocrats, not libertarians. But they recognize that more is better than less and that a good society is not zero-sum.
"Supply-side progressives" like Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson are ultimately technocrats, not libertarians. But they recognize that more is better than less and that a good society is not zero-sum.
How well-intentioned laws created new cultural conflicts—and eroded personal liberty
Many have started to recognize a need to focus on their core business rather than virtue-signaling.
To deflect further assaults on democratic norms, Trump's foes will need a skilled, focused, and thoughtful leader. California Gov. Gavin Newsom is not that guy.
Economics likely spelled doom for Harris, but extreme ideology sealed her party’s fate.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal perfectly demonstrates the shamelessness of those who support ending the filibuster.
Anti-market progressives dominate the Biden administration. Their policies also help discredit it.
His ideas would leave us poorer and less free.
Disney said they wanted to "avoid reinforcing stereotypes." The company's solution was to take away roles from a group that has almost no opportunity in Hollywood.
"White women, we have 100 days to help save the world!"
Both had been dropped from the Inflation Reduction Act over concerns about the bill's cost and the amount of borrowing needed to pay for them.
Ruth Whippman discusses her new book BoyMom: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity.
You don't promote acceptance by locking people up for victimless crimes.
Government school advocates say competition "takes money away" from government schools. That is a lie.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott takes a tactic from the progressive prosecutors he says he opposes.
Vincent Yakaitis is unfortunately not the first such defendant. He will also not be the last.
A new movement promoting scientific, technological, and economic solutions to humanity's problems emerges.
Despite the popular narrative, Millennials have dramatically more wealth than Gen Xers had at the same age, and incomes continue to grow with each new generation.
From limits on liability protections for websites to attempts to regulate the internet like a public utility, these proposals will erode Americans' right to express themselves.
His speech in Davos challenged the growing worldwide trend of increased government involvement in economic affairs.
Some progressives want to remove bureaucratic obstacles to growth—in the service of Democrats and big government.
Some progressives want to remove bureaucratic obstacles to growth—in the service of Democrats and big government.
A plan to have the state take control of Maine's two private electric utility firms has divided the political left.
Over the last several years, they have worked nonstop to ease the tax burden of their high-income constituents.
He insists that he's not running for president, but his vetoes of the fringiest measures suggest otherwise.
We already have a party that's committed to progressive ideals, do we really need another?
The best reforms would correct the real problems of overcriminalization and overincarceration, as well as removing all artificial barriers to building more homes.
The guidelines would ignore decades of academic findings about how firm concentration can have a positive impact on consumers' welfare.
The maverick journalist talks Twitter Files, the end of the anti-government left, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
New York politicians got out of the way for once, and something beautiful happened.
Policy analyst Justin Hayes summarizes the reasons why conservatives, progressives, and libertarians all have reason to support zoning reform.
The government appears to agree that Charles Foehner shot a man in self-defense. He may spend decades behind bars anyway.
But Patrick Deneen’s “common-good conservatism” almost certainly would be.
Stop quoting him out of context on taxation, education, and monopoly.
The post-liberal conservatives who disparage "right-liberalism" are unapologetic proponents of actual left-wing policies.
Plus: A listener asks if the Roundtable has given the arguments of those opposed to low-skilled immigration a fair hearing.
The right and the left are pushing pro-natalist polices that have never worked and are deeply misguided.
The ideology champions the same tired policies that big government types predictably propose whenever they see something they don't like.
Why the businessman launched a long shot campaign for the presidency.
"If there is freedom, private property, rule of law, then Latin Americans thrive," says the social media star.
What happens when anti-liberty zealots get the same powers?
The Manhattan Institute senior fellow and the NYU historian debate whether black Americans should move away from progressivism.
The Manhattan Institute senior fellow and the NYU historian debate whether black Americans should move away from progressivism.
Excessive government interference in the market hurts consumers and thwarts policy goals. It also gets in the way of the government itself.
True abundance requires a minimal state and free markets.
Plus: Government regulation of speech is on trial, biohackers flock to experimental charter city in Honduras, and more…
California's economy is growing despite Gov. Gavin Newsom's policies, not because of them.
The liberal justice seems ready to fight legal conservatives on their own ground.
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