Andrew Sullivan Just About Needs Suicide Watch over Obama Numbers
And now a lesson on the dangers of becoming emotionally attached to political figures
And now a lesson on the dangers of becoming emotionally attached to political figures
Gallup polling shows that 72 percent thought the GOP nominee won the deabte
Unfortunately, even more Americans are just fine with it
Libertarian candidate is drawing evenly from Obama and Romney voters
At about 46 or 47 percent. Gary Johnson polls at around six when included revises polling numbers to match party identification percentages set by Rasmussen, shows a consistent lead for Mitt Romney
55 percent of Americans say the federal government has too much influence over their lives and 61 percent feel income inequality is an acceptable part of economic system
Barely a majority now in California as undecideds grow
Politicians and political commentators also not viewed favorably
Romney still holds edge on handling deficit
The psychology of polling
Guys, it's called "envy." There's a word for it and everything.
Analysis system has correctly predicted each winner since 1980.
Romney's VP pick has yet to swing more support to the GOP
An interview with Jayson Lusk, whose new report indicates most Americans want more food police
A new book misunderstands the libertarian-leaning portion of the Tea Party movement and exaggerates the importance of the movement's social conservatives.
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