One Georgia Judge Takes on Mandatory Minimums by Informing Jury Before Conviction
Reminds prosecutors that juries are supposed to serve as a check on government power
Reminds prosecutors that juries are supposed to serve as a check on government power
The Constitution promises uncompromising protection of liberty.
Reason's Damon Root Discusses the Battle for Control Over the Country's Highest Court
Sent and received emails with naughty content
Author of a number of memos providing legal basis for extrajudicially killing U.S. citizens has been nominated for a federal judgeship.
Alex Kozinski calls it an epidemic
Simple majority used to alter longstanding rules
Wouldn't let parents name child "Messiah"
So this will be back in the news again
Fighting back at reputation as a "rubber stamp" for NSA
Enjoy that oversight, America!
Leave the checks and balances to us!
That's a scary argument,the judge notes
Accused of making troubling comments about minorities and those with mental disabilities
Charged with 32 felony counts
One of our most controversial jurists talks about free speech, cell phones, and how bubble gum made him a capitalist.
Punchline: She won re-election back in November
He's engaged in a spat with Richard Posner over judicial philosophy
Gives her two-day jail sentence for contempt when she does not comply
The witness, of course, might have helped the defense
The law subjects to indefinite detention anyone who "substantially" or "directly" provides "support" to forces such as al Qaida or the Taliban.
Congress hasn't given them enough money to stay open
Also, he was rude about it
Despite criticism of costs, it's too late to cancel, judge says.
Newt Gingrich hits a double with jailed-justice proposal
A riveting new documentary takes on New York's shameful eminent domain abuse.
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