Critics Fundamentally Misconstrue the Supreme Court's Bump Stock Ruling
The case hinged on the ATF’s statutory authority, not the Second Amendment.
The case hinged on the ATF’s statutory authority, not the Second Amendment.
It's a good policy, authorized by the law. But it will likely face lawsuits, nonetheless, potentially leading to a prolonged legal battle.
Issuing a posthumous pardon for Bennett would reaffirm our nation’s commitment to free expression and intellectual freedom.
The blanket pardon is one of the largest yet, and another sign of the collapse of public support for marijuana prohibition.
Six justices agreed that federal regulators had misconstrued the statutory definition of a machine gun.
The decision allows the lawsuit to proceed, albeit with fewer plaintiffs.
Fifth in a series of guest-blogging posts.
Fourth in a series of guest-blogging posts.
I cover both liberal immigration sanctuaries and conservative gun sanctuaries, and the more general principles behind them.
Plus: Who are the editors' favorite vice presidents of all time?
Rescheduling does not resolve the conflict between federal pot prohibition and state rejection of that policy.
The vice president's exaggeration reflects a pattern of dishonesty in the administration's pitch to voters who oppose the war on weed.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott takes a tactic from the progressive prosecutors he says he opposes.
Contrary to the president's rhetoric, moving marijuana to Schedule III will leave federal pot prohibition essentially unchanged.
Will the real president of the United States during the years 2020 through 2022 please stand up?
Plus: Hunter's guns, AI replacing dating, East German cars, and more...
Moving marijuana to Schedule III, as the DEA plans to do, leaves federal pot prohibition essentially untouched.
Most of the justices seem skeptical of granting Donald Trump complete immunity from criminal prosecution for "official acts."
David Beito discusses his new book The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillance.
The Supreme Court will decide whether former presidents can avoid criminal prosecution by avoiding impeachment and removal.
From Alice Roosevelt to Hunter Biden, we've never been sure how to reconcile American democracy with American dynasties.
The modern presidency is a divider, not a uniter. It has become far too powerful to be anything else.
An interesting amicus brief urges the justices not to rely upon penumbras and emanations in construing the scope of Presidential immunity.
Joe Biden is the latest of a string of presidents to deny Congress its rightful role in war making.
The modern presidency is a divider, not a uniter. It has become far too powerful to be anything else.
Yet another case that Justice Kavanaugh would like to hear that does not interest enough of his colleagues.
The pandemic showed that America's founders were right to create a system of checks and balances that made it hard for leaders to easily have their way.
Plus: A listener asks the editors a question about progressive taxation in the United States.
Also: Oppenheimer and Godzilla win at the Oscars, Virginia state lawmakers nuke plans for taxpayer-funded arena, and more...
The president has not expunged marijuana records or decriminalized possession, which in any case would fall far short of the legalization that voters want.
Plus: Illegal immigrants at Whole Foods, AI predicting homelessness, Chinese espionage, and more...
In his State of the Union address, Biden promised indefinite U.S. involvement in Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, and beyond.
The president's laundry list of proposed tax credits would likely make the problem of high housing costs worse.
Raising the payroll tax cap could generate up to $1 trillion over 10 years, but Social Security faces a $2.8 trillion deficit.
Biden claims that billions in loan forgiveness is "good for the economy," but his plans will end up costing taxpayers almost $500 billion.
Shrinkflation is just inflation by another name, and two other facts to keep in mind during tonight's State of the Union address.
As Joe Biden gives his speech, the audience will include this reminder of the journalist he’s trying to jail.
Who you gonna believe during Thursday's speech, the president's protectors or your lying eyes?
There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents an inmate from winning the presidency.
Plus: A listener asks the editors for short quotes from fictional works that are representative of libertarian ideas.
Virginia’s barrier crime law limits employment prospects for ex-offenders, who often find their way back into the penal system when they can’t find work.
There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents an inmate from winning the presidency.
The justices reframed the question presented in the case and expedited its consideration.
Several justices seemed troubled by an ATF rule that purports to ban bump stocks by reinterpreting the federal definition of machine guns.
His lawyers assert presidential immunity and discretion, criticize an "unconstitutionally vague" statute, and question the special counsel's legal status.
My new article in the print issue of Reason on how things could get weird
The supposedly reformed drug warrior's intransigence on the issue complicates his appeal to young voters, who overwhelmingly favor legalization.
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