Is Biden Replacing Bad Border Policy With Worse Border Policy?
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Plus: Schools suing social media companies, a bitcoin mining tax is a bad idea, and more...
The argument has some appeal, especially to libertarians. But it's actually a rationale for sweeping statist constraints on liberty.
Title 42 expulsions caused great harm for very little benefit. Biden plans to replace them with a combination of policies, some good and some very bad.
"If you don't trust central authority, then you should see this immediately as something that is very problematic," says the Florida governor.
Certain employment measures in the House GOP’s border bill that are meant to verify citizenship status would harm American workers and employers.
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Backed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, the measures will punish peaceful migrants and the Floridians who interact with them.
Politicians attack social media for spreading conspiracies and so-called misinformation. But what about when social media helps someone become an NBA star?
The policy will protect thousands of Afghan refugees against imminent prospect of deportation. Same should be done for Ukrainians and others admitted to US using the parole power. But a permanent solution to this problem requires Congress to pass an adjustment act.
The article explains why libertarians should focus much more on constitutional issues arising from zoning, immigration restrictions and racial profiling.
How many incredible would-be immigrants are being kept out unfairly?
It has been reprinted (with permission) by the Cato Institute.
This can easily be accomplished by Congess enacting an adjustment act.
Other states would do well to enact similar reforms.
We owe this achievement to a combination of Covid vaccines and Biden Administration policy changes. But much more can be done.
Can Americans afford to welcome the huddled masses?
He made it prior to being sentenced to 25 years in prison for speaking out against Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine.
Overall human freedom peaked in 2007, according to the Cato Institute, and governments' COVID response merely exacerbated the trend toward a radically less-free planet.
The country needs a political truce with devolved power.
There are some jarring contradictions in the Florida governor's pitch to voters.
As former Backpage execs await their August trial, the shutdown is still worsening the lives it was supposed to improve.
S.B. 1718 would make it a third-degree felony to “harbor” or “transport” undocumented immigrants. Some Florida faith leaders say it could threaten their church activities.
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College players on student visas face complex barriers when it comes to profiting off their names, images, and likenesses.
Biden extended the successful Uniting for Ukraine model to cover migrants from four Latin American nations with oppressive governments and horrible conditions, thereby greatly reducing illegal migration from those nations. This effect undercuts a lawsuit challenging the program, filed by twenty red states.
America's approach to the border helps contribute to the overcrowding and violence migrants face in Mexico.
The Supreme Court justice seemed willing to invalidate the federal law on First Amendment grounds.
As the government sets its sights on migrants crossing the border, native-born Americans have also come under its watchful eye.
Foreign-born tech workers in the U.S. have been especially vulnerable as tech giants lay off large shares of their work forces.
James King is once again asking the high court to rule that two officers should not receive immunity for choking him unconscious and temporarily disfiguring his face.
The problem is the immigration process itself, not a lack of funding.
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Iván Prieto didn’t board the flight back to the communist island on Monday.
H.B. 4736 would punish foreigners who are, in many cases, deliberately building lives far away from their repressive countries.
Conflict between Irish-Americans and WASPs was once a major feature of American politics. Its near-total disappearance is a hopeful development that we can learn from.
New bills in six states showcase some right and wrong ways to help sex workers, from full decriminalization to ramping up penalties for prostitution customers.
Understanding what’s at stake in United States v. Hansen
It's an impressive achievement. But we can do much more. Canada's much greater openness to immigration is an indication of what's possible.
All officers and employees of the unit would “have immunity from criminal and civil liability” for performing the activities authorized by H.B. 20.
It argues for increasing the number of cases in the Supreme Court's "Hall of Shame" and proposes three worthy additions.
More immigration from China would both hobble a geopolitical rival and make America richer and better.
Despite his declared commitment to freedom and fiscal conservatism, DeSantis' immigration policies represent a dramatic expansion of government power and spending.
The ruling has significant shortcomings and may be overruled on appeal. The Biden Administration's position in this litigation is wrong for much the same reasons as the Trump Administration was wrong to target immigration sanctuaries.
What we did for Ukrainians, we could do for other migrants too.
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Both parties are complicit in the lethal policies that gave us fentanyl disguised as Percocet.
Politicians say they want to subsidize various industries, but they sabotage themselves by weighing the policies down with rules that have nothing to do with the plans.
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