Physicians Face Moral Dilemma In Conscription on War on Drugs
In the government's new war on opiates, physicians and their patients find themselves caught in the crossfire.
In the government's new war on opiates, physicians and their patients find themselves caught in the crossfire.
A consequence of Obamacare's disastrous rollout.
He's not just clueless-he's willfully ignorant.
Democratic wonks have delivered harsh assessments of the presidential candidate's policy proposals.
Veterans may not now have a choice of where to go for health care. But they will have a choice in November's election, as we all will.
No real solutions from people who complain about 'privatization.'
England's National Health Service years behind in understanding treatment needs.
Another GOP-led bill to decouple birth-control pills from doctors shows contraception is losing luster in the culture wars.
From mandatory union fees to health laws.
It's too disruptive and too expensive.
States are moving to make contraception more accessible, with the charge being led by Republican men.
The upcoming year promises to be a big one for reproductive-liberty issues. Here are five major conflicts to keep an eye on.
Abortion under any circumstances (even when the mother's life is at risk) is a criminal offense in this Caribbean country.
United Health's warning that it may pull out may cause the program to fall apart
Naturally, the established doctors object.
The federal government's new health plans are a case study in how bad the public option would have been.
From the Third World to the First World, officials can't exempt medicine from the laws of economics.
New law requires religiously rooted clinics for pregnant women to offer info about state abortion services and admit if they are not medically licensed.
If the public is being asked to pay more for charity care, and it is, then it's reasonable to ask exactly what it's getting for its money.
The vast reach of government as a payer for health care means that drug companies are to a large degree government contractors, and patients are suffering.
"How much does this cost?" shouldn't be a stumper.
Vox writer suggests Obamacare is "one root cause" of U.S. abortion clinics "shuttering at an unprecedented rate."
The NIH has spent $5.5 billion on bringing quackery-from faith healing to homeopathy-right into the heart of the American medical establishment.
Gov. Scott Walker's approach is merely 'Obamacare Lite.'
Since such bans are largely unenforceable, the measure is more mechanism for pro-life political signaling than anything else.
GOP move to "defund Planned Parenthood" isn't all it's cracked up to be.
FDA says silicone cup inserted in the vagina to block sperm cannot be sold over-the-counter.
The "abortion drones" are scheduled to launch from Germany this Friday and deliver prohibited pills to Poland, where abortion remains mostly illegal.
Rush's famously Ayn Rand-inspired drummer/lyricist will only vote Democrat, because health care and compassion
CON laws stifle competition and hurt consumers.
Liberals would like you to believe it is, rising coverage costs tell a different story
How can we produce better health for more people at a lower cost, year after year?
Subsidized birth control pills for some women shouldn't come at the expense of easing access restrictions for all.
Report finds that state misled federal officials about progress on the $135 million project.
Proposal would let patients pick up birth control pills at the pharmacy counter.
The provision not only puts women at risk but may run afoul of the First Amendment.
As a bonus, a few of the measures will also put women and abortion doctors in more danger.