Nursing Shortages Will Put California's Plans for Universal Healthcare on Hold
Specifics remain sparse, but universal healthcare will surely increase demand for medical services, and California's already low on nurses.
Specifics remain sparse, but universal healthcare will surely increase demand for medical services, and California's already low on nurses.
Support drops when you tell people it would require higher taxes, longer lines, and switching insurance plans.
In 2019, it's liberals, not conservatives, who are holding the pill hostage for political gain.
Plus: Libertarians face resistance while picking up trash without a permit, and Trump imagines Sen. Warren at the Wounded Knee massacre.
Blame the city Board of Supervisors for unusually high hospital bills.
Plus: Tumblr porn filters catch company's own examples of permitted content and how the GOP learned to love bailouts.
The judge was right to conclude that the individual health insurance mandate is now unconstitutional, but wrong to rule that the rest of the ACA is now unlawful because it can't be severed from the largely toothless mandate left in place under the 2017 GOP tax bill.
The ruling will almost certainly be appealed.
The single-payer fight is pitting moderate Democrats against progressives, partly because of Obamacare.
Americans don't support single payer. They support Medicare for All, which is just a meaningless catchphrase.
A brief look at 50-year cost and quality trends in cars, houses, college and health care.
Premiums are down and choice is up after Republican tweaks to the Affordable Care Act.
Let the health care market work without government meddling.
Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs is honoring veterans of Veterans Day while simultaneously screwing them over again and again.
The Obamacare contraception mandate is getting a Trump-era overhaul.
The biggest shock from yesterday's midterms was that everything went more or less as expected.
If hatred is the country's main political motivator these days, you might as well lean into it.
Turns out voters like the Democratic health law...when it's run by Republicans.
In a new op-ed attacking single-payer, Trump inadvertently reveals that he's in favor of socialism-as long as it's for his supporters.
Plus: Kavanaugh confirmation is official and child care tax credits backfire.
Businesses that founder or just never get launched won't suffer anywhere nearly as much as the people who would have benefited from their innovations.
CNN's Jake Tapper kept asking the socialist candidate where the money would come from. Eventually, he gave up.
A lawsuit challenging Iowa's Certificate of Need laws goes before a federal judge today.
Rules and regulations intended to reform health care are driving private practices out of business by overconfident design.
Yes, that's trillion with a "t."
The president attacks Pfizer for a recent round of price increases but ignores the real reasons for the high prices.
Plus, what they might be like in a post-Roe world
"The majority's view, if taken literally, could radically change prior law," warn the Court's liberal justices.
The Congressional Budget Office believes the plans can lead to 400,000 currently uninsured getting medical coverage.
Most of the attention on the twenty state lawsuit against Obamacare understandably focuses on the "severability" issue, which could lead to the demise of the entire Affordable Care Act. But the individual mandate part could also set an important precedent.
They have every right to refuse to do so, much as Obama had a right to refuse to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. But some of the arguments Trump is making are extremely dubious.
Instead, the executive branch will argue that the insurance requirement and the health law's preexisting conditions rules should be struck down.
In Bad Blood, Wall Street Journal reporter John Carreyrou explains why Silicon Valley's mystique makes suckers out of billionaires.
President expected to sign legislation allowing earlier access to experimental medication.
Lawmakers approved bill during a special session. Now that process has been challenged.
"This is a disruptive innovation, which is why you're seeing protectionist policies being put into action."
Department of Veterans Affairs
With Trump's nominee Ronny Jackson out, here's how to fix veterans health care.
Americans strongly support the right to end suffering for terminal diseases, but states have lagged behind.
3.6 million Americans a year miss medical appointments because they lack transportation.
Almost by accident, the GOP has made Obamacare their own.
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