Donald Trump Is Your Dad
Forwarding obvious Internet bullshit about crime, making up memories about Muslims
Forwarding obvious Internet bullshit about crime, making up memories about Muslims
Canadian college pulls the mat out from under a free yoga class and unintentionally reveals truth about all activities.
We shouldn't fear extending our hand to those who flee oppression. A world of zero risk is not an option, but the risk here is not significant.
Committing American boots on the ground is not a morally superior option to taking refugees
Paul has never highly valued free immigration as a liberty Americans should care about.
Grandstanding politicians fan fear, but don't know what they are talking about
Something to watch with The Man in the High Castle
The GOP succumbs to nativist hysteria in the wake of Paris attacks.
The former New Mexico governor and 2012 Libertarian Party presidential candidate makes first comments on recent turmoil, talks future.
...rather than pretend whatever it is we're doing is something else.
Rand Paul, Jeff Flake want to limit the types of French and European citizens America will let visit without a background check
'This is a worldwide fight and America must lead it.'
Missing in many media accounts of Paris terrorism was any reference to France's bombing of Syria or that France is Syria's former colonial overlord.
It is in times of fear when we need to be most vigilant about our liberties.
Daily News sees "sick jihad" behind not letting an unelected official deny rights largely at will.
Fox Business Network at 8 p.m. ET. Show also includes Glenn Greenwald!
Leading the Republican presidential field, the good doctor flubs basic geography.
The secretary of state says there was "perhaps even a legitimacy" to the Charlie Hebdo massacre-no, strike that.
Will it matter during a time of international crisis that the GOP's co-frontrunner is just stone making it up as he goes along?
The Global Terrorism Index charts 80 percent increase in terrorism deaths, with 33,000 killed in 2014.
If ISIS victims are banned from America, only ISIS will get in
And will Ted Cruz consider that the Mideast is not suffering from too little US attention but too much?
Two analyses come to radically different conclusions about how the Islamic State seeks to cause violence in Europe and the United States.
In the wake of Paris atrocities, supporting civil liberties and non-interventionism just got way less popular.
Death toll in the coordinated series of attacks now at 129; Syrian refugee reported among attackers.
"ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" co-author Michael Weiss on how Obama allowed a bad situation to get worse in Syria.
Never let a terrible event got to waste when you've got an obsession, an enemy, or an empty cliche left standing.
What happens when warnings about processed meat's cancer risk collides with California's absurd Prop 65 (over)warning law?
French President Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency and closed the country's borders
...Activia probiotic yogurt? CNN's #FlyToFreedom campaign asks people to make paper airplanes to protest slavery.
Watch Matt Welch and others discuss the 'elephants in the room' at 8 p.m. on Fox Business Network
Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea. But will her story survive scrutiny?
The Kentucky senator says his GOP rival fails to understand, "You can use the Fourth Amendment and still get terrorists."
Debate answer exposes a revealing problem not just for the inexperienced candidate, but for the bellicose GOP
Rand Paul can balance the budget, he blames the Fed, he'll talk rather than start wars we can't afford, and generally seemed the most thoughtfully radical guy up there.
Trump is a threat to the United States and the world.
After the circus in Colorado, did Fox Business deliver a debate of ideas?
If Congress cut the Pentagon's budget in half, the U.S. would still be "the strongest military power in the world."
Naturally, the established doctors object.
Well, you see, it's just like alcohol, and so sends a confusing message about...whatevs.
Snowden's lawyer, Jesselyn Radack, explains why whistleblowers are the targets of government prosecution.
The billionaire candidate's hosting of SNL is a reminder of the show's long, weak (WEAK!) history of political satire.
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