Ron DeSantis Wants To Cultivate 'Viewpoint Diversity' by Censoring Universities
Florida's H.B. 999 claims to support "viewpoint diversity" and "intellectual rigor." It does just the opposite.
Florida's H.B. 999 claims to support "viewpoint diversity" and "intellectual rigor." It does just the opposite.
Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder argue that we should not kid ourselves about the threat university DEI bureaucracies pose to academic freedom, but is there a better way?
Should conservatives worry about breaking the norm of political non-interference with state universities?
The Florida governor unveiled some big new ideas -- not all of them good
"Hamline subjected López Prater to the foregoing adverse actions because . . . she did not conform her conduct to the specific beliefs of a Muslim sect," the lawsuit states.
Jonathan Mitchell failed in his effort to become a legal academic, so he put his theories into practice instead.
U.S. News and World Report is making some significant changes to the way it ranks law schools.
These are the people who showed up when the economy was shut down by the government, working in jobs labeled "essential."
The journalist and comedian makes the case that "new puritans" espousing the religion of social justice have captured the Western world.
Andrew Doyle on the "new puritans" and their godawful religion of social justice.
Prominent social psychologist and NYU professor calls the requirement “explicitly ideological.”
The EconTalk host and Wild Problems author talks about the limits of cost-benefit analyses.
More universities than ever are now requiring lengthy DEI statements from job applicants. Is that good for academic freedom?
The intellectual watchdog keeps tabs on everyone from The 1619 Project's Nikole Hannah-Jones to Mises Institute's Hans-Hermann Hoppe in the name of serious scholarship.
The host of EconTalk and author of Wild Problems says our biggest decisions don't submit to easy cost-benefit analyses.
Some ideas that might help you make better use of the opportunities available to you in law school.
A new study sheds interesting light on these questions.
His 2000 thesis on civil-rights-era Atlanta lifts passages from other people's work.
Listen to an Intelligence Squared US debate featuring Nick Gillespie.
Doing away with standardized testing doesn't help low-income applicants gain entry to elite colleges.
What the John Mearsheimer controversy tells us about theory’s role in international affairs.
How the weaponization of sexual misconduct allegations wrecked Florian Jaeger's life and cost his university millions
The Love in the Time of Contagion author says sexual paranoia is on the rise.
Some student editors had resigned from the journal due to the inclusion of an "anti-trans" article by philosopher Kathleen Stock.
Dellinger was a famed constitutional law scholar at Duke University, and also held important positions in government during the Clinton Administration.
Universities are better off if the faculty do not all think alike
The New York Times columnist and Columbia University linguist on the "new religion" he says has "betrayed Black America."
A conversation with the AAUP and FIRE about changes in the tenure system at state universities in Georgia
The Academic Freedom Alliance rebukes Michigan for its handling of Bright Sheng case
The Academic Freedom Alliance responds to the provost's public email
A few Volokh Conspirators are among the most cited legal scholars in their fields.
The board of regents proposes sweeping changes that would significantly weaken tenure protections for faculty.
The latest edition of the Sisk, Catlin, Anderson, and Gunderson study of faculty scholarly impact is out. Download it while it's hot.
Sandra Oh leads Netflix's satire on the state of academia today.
He repeats his concern that QI doctrine rests on "shaky ground" and imposes a "one-size-fits-all doctrine" that is "an odd fit for many cases," including those involving university administrators.
It does not seem that way, despite some reporting to the contrary.
Why is straight reporting on educational reform measures so difficult.
New CDC guidelines strengthen the already compelling case for doing so.
Columbia University linguist John McWhorter on "anti-racism" as a new, misguided civic religion and his new book on curses, Nine Nasty Words.
A free online conference sponsored by the LeFrak Forum on Science, Reason, and Modern Democracy at Michigan State University.
The chaos at Lake Washington Institute of Technology is by no means an isolated occurrence.
A Ninth Circuit decision that may be of particular interest to academics.
When the feds failed to track COVID-19, Emily Oster stepped in.
Fourth and final post in my series on how to write an academic book and get it published.
Third in a series of posts on how to write an academic book and get it published.
a response to an important and thoughtful argument by Jacob Levy
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