India's Prime Minister Plays the Fear Card After Botching Economic Reforms
He's promising voters protection from made-up threats instead of prosperity.
He's promising voters protection from made-up threats instead of prosperity.
The Appellate Court of Illinois reverses a trial court decision that deferred to a Muslim divorce from India.
A Pennsylvania court decision said they can (though relying on cases generally allowing restrictions on Public Trial Clause and First Amendment trial access rights in the interest of preventing embarrassment to witnesses).
Should Israel negotiate with Hamas and Fatah, or are they unwavering enemies in a protracted struggle?
The Alexandria City Council voted to approve the butchery's special-use permit.
A fight in England between educators and Muslims shows the need for more school choice, not control.
"I want you to know that and I want you to feel that deep inside-49 people died because of the rhetoric that you put out there."
The suspected shooter is in custody.
The Alabama prison allows a Christian chaplain in the execution chamber to pray with death row inmates, but it refused to let an imam inside.
The Council of Europe's new resolution about Sharia at home and abroad.
A Michigan appellate court correctly enforces a Muslim couple's "mahr" agreement, entered at the time of the couple's marriage and calling for the husband to pay certain funds to the wife -- it's a valid contract, enforceable under secular law, regardless of its religious motivation.
Greek law had provided (or some Greek courts had ruled) that Greek Muslims' will disputes would be resolved under Islamic law -- but that's forbidden religious discrimination, rules the European Court of Human Rights.
Her statements may have been offensive. But that doesn't mean she shouldn't have a right to make them.
Judges may not "rely on the neutrality of the courts alone as a justification for preventing litigants from accessing a courtroom simply because they are expressing sincerely held religious beliefs."
But many of the Alternative for Deutschland's leaders have questionable track records when it comes to anti-Semitism.
The head of Ideas Beyond Borders is translating books by Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, and others into Arabic and distributing them for free.
Israa al-Ghomgham would be the first female activist to be executed in Saudi Arabia.
According to the official handling the teen's asylum application, his walk, dress, and actions proved he couldn't be gay.
The Nobel laureate had a brilliant, sadly ignored insight that would have short-circuited the worst cultural and political reactions of the past 17 years.
The modestly dressed kids supposedly ran afoul of a previously unenforced cotton ban.
So holds the New South Wales (Australia) high court.
He is questioning the legitimacy of private violence against women as valid grounds for asylum
But its illiberal tactics against liberal Muslim reformers remain extremely troubling.
"The change in the child's relationship with the father based on the child's fear of his displeasure if she were not a 'true Muslim,' and her belief that he threatened to abscond with her to Morocco, also contributed to the change in circumstances warranting modification" of the custody arrangement.
India is becoming one, big offense industry
Rafia Zakaria talks about veils, Islamic politics, and feminism.
The concern about radicalization by Muslims in the U.S. is a red herring intended to make Americans distrust foreigners and immigration in general.
She started the first secular, pro-market party in Egypt. Then the government sent the secret police after her.
Echoing "burqa ban" policies passed across Europe, the ban would apply to anyone using public transportation or other public services.
His version of Christianity is the spiritual twin of Sharia
Throwing North Korea and Venezuela on the list doesn't make it less discriminatory or America more safe
Friday A/V Club: Before his transition into the Nation of Islam
Dissident and offbeat religious groups have faced more than a century of surveillance.
Starting with Roe v. Wade, the bestselling author argues in Commentary, the high court has removed too many topics from legislative debate.
Which is more important to the president: hurting Muslims or looking tough on terrorism?
The justices could choose to look the other way because of the plenary power doctrine.
Muhammad cartoon publisher Flemming Rose talks about immigration, free speech, and toleration.
A U.C.L.A. law professor has a few things to say about things that aren't supposed to be said.
America is losing its soft power to spread liberal values
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