Mickey 17 Is a Misbegotten Sci-Fi Trump Satire
Robert Pattinson stars as spacefaring multiples in director Bong Joon-ho's disappointing follow-up to Parasite.
Robert Pattinson stars as spacefaring multiples in director Bong Joon-ho's disappointing follow-up to Parasite.
The deeply weird Southern Reach Series reminds us that human institutions can turn people into something unrecognizable.
Playing this digital collection of new retro-style games is like rediscovering a box of old cartridges.
Technology is neither inherently good or bad. Our friendbots—and our murderbots—are what we make of them.
A short-yet-sprawling historical tour of the atomic age.
The Last Murder at the End of the World explores the dangers of absolute power.
Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum star in a movie about government incompetence.
The taut, grisly new entry plays like a greatest-hits reel.
The eccentric writer cast a long shadow, leaving a mark not only on the world of Bigfoot hunters and UFO buffs but in literature and radical politics.
In Netflix's Pluto, a serial killer targets the world’s most advanced robots.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic role colored our perception of AI, for better or for worse.
The latest movie in the Apes franchise gestures at interesting ideas about politics and civilizational conflict, but it doesn't develop them.
David Brin, Robin Hanson, Mike Godwin, and others describe the future of artificial intelligence.
According to Grok, Robert Heinlein's novel reminds us that even a supercomputer can have a heart—or at least a well-programmed sense of humor.
Alex Garland's latest post-apocalyptic thought experiment is a war movie without a take.
From struggle sessions to cancel culture, the story depicts the terrors of surveillance authoritarianism.
Akiva Malamet has interesting posts on these topics at the Econlib site.
It's a powerful film that lives up to the promise of Part 1. But there are a few flaws.
The sequel is about ecology, politics, economics, imperialism, and much more. But mostly it's about worms.
Director Takashi Yamazaki brings to the screen the most dreadful version of Godzilla since the franchise began.
In the second season of his eponymous Marvel series, Loki becomes both more human and more godlike.
The new movie is a compelling film version of Suzanne Collins' prequel to the Hunger Games trilogy.
"Basis of some COVID-19 vaccine technology"
A conversation about economics, progress, science fiction—and kitchen gadgets.
At the behest of George Orwell's estate, the acclaimed novelist has brilliantly recast his most famous work.
What if Ramona Flowers bears some responsibility for creating her seven "evil exes" in the first place?
Sharp world building and a strong central performance can't save this dystopian disappointment.
George Lucas divided his universe into light and dark. Dave Filoni is dissolving that worldview.
In the director's own words, this is "a sequel to five different things."
The political commentary in Netflix's sci-fi comedy isn't exactly subtle.
Leaders depicted in the Apple TV+ series outlaw "relics" of the past, even including PEZ dispensers.
Artificial intelligence is not about to replace your favorite actors.
"Subject of a 500-year-old purity law in Germany"
Economist Bryan Caplan explains how standard socialist complaints about free markets are similar to longstanding fan claims that Tolkien's Giant Eagles didn't do enough in the war against Sauron.
The message of the hit new series cuts across conventional ideological lines - and features a highly skeptical view of government.
In a chaotic universe full of infinite realities where all choices are relative, individualism still matters.
Today's Star Wars fulfills the promise of the late '90s internet.
It's the story of a distant future where rich denizens meddle in the affairs of the past.
The consequences of our obsession with urban dystopias and utopias
An aeronautical engineer considers writing a novel about a new start on the moon.
Weir's books take seriously the limits of human knowledge and planning when it comes to space travel.
What if our interplanetary future involved train heists, legal sex work, and a lot of running from the feds?
Reality has failed to match author Arthur C. Clarke's hopes.
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