Police Departments Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements with Surveillance-Tech Manufacturer, Conceal Info from Courts and Press
The police state meets the corporate state.
Verizon Reveals More About Federal Spying on Customers
In 2013, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ordered Verizon to surrender data for thousands of customers.
Police Justify Concealing Surveillance Tools from Courts with Non-Disclosure Agreements
That's not how it works, guys
British Agents Have Seen Your Penis
The latest surveillance revelation has the UK's spy agency collecting images from Yahoo web chats.
New Assaults on American Law
In the name of safety, the feds have spied on lawyers negotiating with them, lied to lawyers whose clients they're prosecuting, and misrepresented their behavior to the Supreme Court.
How Disconcerted Should We Feel About an Intel Chief Who Doesn't Grasp Human Behavior?
Does Clapper really not know why Snowden leaked?
US Apparently Eavesdropping on Everybody But Merkel in Germany–News Roundup
Despite president's speech, hundreds still being monitored
Judge's Logic: Being Watched as a Potential Terrorist Is Only Damaging if You're Informed
Muslims who sued over fruitless NYPD surveillance have case tossed out
Judge Tosses NYPD Muslim Surveillance Lawsuit
Inexplicably says they weren't targeted for their religion
Rand Paul: "It's Time to Trash the NSA's Mass Surveillance of Americans, For Good"
Writing in The Guardian
British Court: Detention of Glenn Greenwald's Partner Was Legal
David Miranda was held for nine hours at Heathrow Airport last August
Three Disciplined at NSA over Snowden
One entered his password into Snowden's computer, allowing him access
European Parliament Votes Against Calling For Snowden To Be Granted Asylum
Russia has granted the NSA whistle-blower asylum
Rand Paul Files Suit Against Obama Over NSA Surveillance
Joined by former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli
Member of Federal Advisory Board: NSA Has Been Operating Outside of the Law
Says "the words just don't add"
It's 'The Day We Fight Back' Against Mass Surveillance
Tell the NSA to get a warrant
Activists Plan Online Protest Against NSA Surveillance Tuesday
"The Day We Fight Back"
Greenwald's New Media Venture Launches
"The Intercept" premieres, publishing stories based on Edward Snowden's intelligence files