Warrants for Emails and Cell Phone Locations: Online Communications and Geolocation Protection Act
Bill protects privacy from unconstitutional search and seizure.
Why Would A Store Think Cisgender Women Don't Want to Share a Restroom with Transgender* Women?
Transgendered woman required to use men's room. Why?
California Mulling More Government Access to Cars' On-Board Computers
Will Big Brother monitor our driving habits?
In the Era of High-Tech Law Enforcement, Who Will Keep Our Privacy Safe?
More than 50 American law enforcement agencies possess a new handheld radar device that can spy through walls.
Obama's Privacy Conversion
The surveillance debate that supposedly preoccupies the president is one he never wanted to have.
Here's What Concerns Experts About Obama's State of the Union Cybersecurity Goals
Harsher penalties and more government involvement won't help protect privacy.
British Spy Agency Practiced Scooping Up Journalists' E-mails
Ten minutes of communications at news outlets like The Guardian, The New York Times, and NBC collected.
The DEA Fights Drugs by Collecting Your Phone Records
The government acknowledges another warrantless metadata program.
NSA Domestic Spying: There is No Technological Replacement for Liberty
National Academy of Sciences report finds "no software-based technique can fully replace the bulk collection of signals intelligence."
Kiss Your Financial Privacy Goodbye
American politicians are systemically destroying the right to confidential banking.
Make America Safer: Shut Down the Department of Homeland Security
DHS, a massive department that wastes taxpayer dollars and abuses civil liberties, should be replaced by a small, focused and efficient set of federal security and intelligence agencies.
Cyborg Cops: Dubai Detectives To Wear Google Glass with Facial Recognition Software
Just what every police state needs!
How Kids Find Online Privacy
Three ways kids keep their virtual lives to themselves.
Appeals Court Takes on Legalities of NSA Snooping
Obama administration grilled on mass collection of phone records
Dems Push Obama to Declassify Snooping Rules
Want access to legal opinions justifying executive power to collect people's information
The Latest NSA Revelation Wouldn't Be So Scary If Agency Hadn't Gone Bonkers
How to make a search engine sound terrifying