California Attorney General Announces Settlement To Stop Civil Rights Abuses by Vallejo Police Department
A 2019 Reason investigation detailed a long string of police abuses in Vallejo. Things have only gotten worse since then.
A 2019 Reason investigation detailed a long string of police abuses in Vallejo. Things have only gotten worse since then.
Sylvia Gonzalez, an anti-establishment politician, spent a day in jail for allegedly concealing a petition that she organized.
The court had earlier issued a temporary restraining order against the law, to maintain the status quo; but now that it has gotten more full briefing, it declined to block the law (but also declined to dismiss the challenge to the law).
"Ironically, the actions of the police department have only proven my point," Noah Petersen said after being handcuffed, arrested, and jailed for his speech.
A Texas court holds that only self-defense—not defense of property—is excluded from such orders (which can also temporarily strip defendant of Second Amendment rights). And the same logic applies to force, even nonlethal force, used to defend your family members against another family member as well.
Mississippi only gives property owners 10 days to challenge a blight finding that could lead to their house being seized through eminent domain.
“An emergency operation, in order to allow as many citizens as possible to arm themselves.”
(That's Sasha Volokh, who occasionally blogs here.)
The justifications for backing Israel's struggle also apply in spades to Ukraine's.
It depends on the state (or sometimes even county and city) where the employer is located.
We don't need better manners, we need a commitment to mutual respect and tolerance, and space to live our lives as we see fit.
Several federal judges had expressed skepticism about the constitutionality of penalizing physicians for departing from a government-defined "consensus."
Plus: Spooky NYU statements, no ambassador to Israel, FTX trial developments, and more...
A lawsuit against a Black Lives Matter activist could have a chilling impact on constitutionally protected activity.
Playboy fired the former porn star after she tweeted in defense of Hamas.
"Plaintiff cannot likely show that her rejection of Dr Greeson's alleged conduct was the basis for her asserted adverse educational action (i.e., failure of the Qualifying Exam)—Plaintiff appears to have failed the Qualifying Exam every which way."
to go forward based partly on allegations that "DPH caused the suspension of [Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents'] Twitter Account."
Houston officials say they'll keep fining activists for feeding homeless people, calling it "a health and safety issue."
A strong case is made against the ban on gun possession by persons subject to a DVRO.
OpenAI tried to remove Mark Walters' lawsuit to federal court, but has now withdrawn that attempt.
The issue was rejected because it "jeopardizes the good order and security of the institution."
So holds an Eleventh Circuit panel; Judge Andrew Brasher's concurring opinion that notes the potential First Amendment problems with imposing liability for such speech.
The former OnlyFans star and outspoken libertarian defender of sex workers considers the acceleration of government crackdowns on online porn, the sexual revolution, and sex work.
Tayvin Galanakis was arrested last year on suspicion of intoxication, even after a Breathalyzer showed he was sober.
Amicus brief in Supreme Court's Second Amendment Rahimi case
In light of the state's marijuana reforms, the court says, the odor of weed is not enough to establish probable cause.
"For the most part, the American Civil Liberties Union, Young Americans for Freedom, and the Babylon Bee don't see eye to eye."
"The subpoena is ... a classic ‘fishing expedition’ in constitutionally protected waters.”
With subplots about bite mark evidence and asset forfeiture, it's a parade of shady cop practices.
The case stemmed from user challenges asking that a public library remove Gender Queer: A Memoir, or at least keep children from getting it.
Kids will grow up to value freedom only if they’re raised in an environment where it’s treated as good.
"Respondent presented this court with a credible and reasonable interpretation of the meaning behind her words, i.e., that she posted the above-noted tweets as an expression of her anger, fear, and frustration with the violence taking place around her and in disagreement with some of the sentiments she saw being expressed by others on Twitter."
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