Gun Rights
If You Like the War on Drugs, You'll Love the War on Guns!
The police got militarized to fight drugs. If you thought the drug war was racist, how do you think the gun war will look?
Dallas PD Used a "Bomb Robot" to Neutralize Alleged Cop-Killing Sniper
The use of a "bomb robot" to take down a suspect appears to be a new police tactic.
Second Amendment Foundation Calls for Independent Investigation of Philando Castile's Death
"Exercising our right to bear arms should not translate to a death sentence over something so trivial as a traffic stop for a broken tail light, and we are going to watch this case with a magnifying glass."
You Can Already Buy a Kit to Circumvent California's Brand-New 'Assault Weapon' Law
The Bullet Button Reloaded disables the magazine release until the rifle is opened.
California Senate Choices Got You Down? Check Out These Ballot Initiatives Instead.
Voters will have 16 other issues to consider Election Day.
Video Shows Alton Sterling Shot and Killed by Baton Rouge Police Despite Being Pinned and On His Back
Sterling had been selling CDs outside a supermarket; police had responded to a call that a man matching his description had pointed a gun.
Governor Jerry Brown Signs Six, Vetoes Five Gun-Right Restricting Bills
One bill the California governor signed will require uncompensated destruction, sale, or confiscation of existing peacefully owned magazines with a capacity of larger than 10.
Hollywood Insiders Meet to Talk About Gun Violence Prevention, Influence of NRA
Not looking to go hard on themselves, just on your rights
Sacrifice Civil Liberties? You First
Both sides want to chip away at your civil liberties, even if sometimes they argue about it.
Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor Join Forces in Gun Case Dissent
The Supreme Court rules 6-2 in Voisine v. United States.
Susan Collins' 'No Fly, No Buy' Bill Takes Away Gun Rights Based on Secret Criteria
The Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act relies on an FBI standard we are not allowed to know.
How America's Counter-Terrorism Model Is Making American Less Safe and Free
The Orlando massacre shows the folly of fighting a decentralized terrorism model with centralization.
'No Fly, No Buy' Means No Freedom
If the government can take away our natural rights to travel and self-defense, can other fundamental rights be far behind?
Democrats Sit-In for Secret Lists and Maybe Even a Police State
Still shamelessly exploiting emotions without regard to the dangerous consequences.
'No Fly, No Buy' Proposal Takes Away Gun Rights First, Asks Questions Later (Maybe)
Susan Collins' Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act still flouts due process, but for fewer people.
The Useful Illogic of 'Assault Weapon' Bans
Their arbitrariness lets them pass constitutional muster while paving the way for broader gun control
Don't Be Deceived: Democrats' Gun Control Push Is Not Limited to Those on No-Fly List
Feinstein's bill would affect hundreds of thousands of people, not just suspected terrorists.
What Will Gun Controllers Do When Americans Ignore an 'Assault Weapons' Ban?
Prohibitions have a long history of stumbling over people's unwillingness to obey. This time won't be any different.
Anti-Gun Hysteria Illustrates How Monstrosities Like the 1994 Crime Bill and the War on Terror Come to Pass
You can take advantage of a culture of fear but so can your opponents
All 4 Senate Gun Bills Fail Today
Two bills to restrict "terror watchlist" people from getting guns, two to strengthen federal background check system in general, all fail to garner needed 60 votes in Senate. Sen. Rand Paul angers some Second Amendment activists by voting for one of the terror suspect bills.
The Second Amendment, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution
What the historical evidence says about the Second Amendment and individual rights.
Feinstein Made Her Gun Control Bill Even Worse
The Senate will soon consider her proposal and two others aimed at stopping "suspected terrorists" from buying firearms.
After Orlando, Irrelevant Solutions Dominate Discussion
Violence leads to parade of bad or useless policy proposals.
Friday A/V Club: Pink Pistols, Bill O'Reilly, and the Lesbian Gang Menace
Cable news at its cable-newsiest
Poll Shows the Partisan Gulf in Views of Orlando Attack's Causes
Yet all sides seem to support one really terrible solution.
Of Course the Second Amendment Protects an Individual Right
Correcting the record about guns and the Constitution.
In Defense of Self-Defense
The modern-day massacres are proof beyond a doubt that the government cannot protect us.
No-Fly List, No Guns: Trump Agrees with Obama, Clinton. He Thinks the NRA Should, Too.
After Orlando, Trump wants to meet with NRA to convince the organization to support denying guns to people on the no-fly list, terror watch list.
WaPo in 1994: Ban 'Assault Weapons' to Set the Stage for 'Broader Gun Control'
WaPo now: "Assault weapons" are "the gold standard for mass murder."
Department of Homeland Security
Has Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson Forgotten About Paris or Kenya or the Second Amendment?
More ignorance from the anti-gun left.
Don't Disarm Suspected Terrorists
Americans should not lose their Second Amendment rights without due process.
Terror Semantics, the AR-15 McGuffin, Runaway Aboutism, and the Clinton/Trump Follies: Working Through Orlando on The Fifth Column
Your favorite libertarian podcast tackles the nation's deadliest mass shooting
When the Law Would Leave You Defenseless Against the Likes of Omar Mateen, Carry a Gun Anyway
Police can't defend every gathering, so the people in attendance must take that task on themselves, with or without legal sanction.
Military-Style Rifles Are Not the 'Weapons of Choice' for Mass Shooters
Would it matter if they were?
Reminder: Guns Helped Secure the Freedom and Civil Rights of Black Americans
The Second Amendment's role in the Civil Rights Movement.
The Post-Orlando Trump/Clinton Crackdown
Matt Welch talks terrorism and the political instinct to control & clench on tonight's Kennedy
Gay Gun Rights Activist: Arm Yourselves
An important Supreme Court decision on the right to self-defense involved the fear of anti-LGBT violence.
Sen. Bob Casey Wants to Ban Gun Sales to "Anyone Reasonably Suspected to be Guilty" of Misdemeanor Hate Crimes
One need only be suspected of an ineffective "feel-good law" to be deprived of rights.
After Orlando Attack, Obama Predictably Pushes Gun Control but Is Predictably Vague
Restrictions favored by the president, including a ban on gun purchases by people on "watch lists," are ineffective, unconstitutional, or both.
Carrying Guns: An Issue for the Supreme Court and the Electorate
Trying to ban both open carry and concealed carry is a bit of a problem.
Orlando Shooting: 5 Rules for Coping with Tragedy
Rule 1: Don't use early moments to advance your longstanding grievances against immigrants, Muslims, or guns.
What Trump, Clinton, Obama, Sanders, Others Are Saying About Orlando Pulse Shooting
"When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?" tweets Trump.