California Lawmakers Might Resurrect Failed 'Urban Renewal' Program
In practice, these programs have empowered local governments to use eminent domain to seize property to redistribute to developers.
In practice, these programs have empowered local governments to use eminent domain to seize property to redistribute to developers.
Healthy cities are a boon not just for those who live in them, but for our entire society.
Peak goat is finally achieved as goat yoga appears in a taxpayer-subsidized, goat-themed baseball stadium.
Their schemes to bilk taxpayers in the name of development are getting more outrageous.
The city's revival is mainly reviving the pocket books of connected billionaires
Next generation of ride-sharing will make cities more efficient, solve mass transit problems.
Perpetually broke Hartford bets big-and stupid-on minor-league ballpark.
A new lawsuit claims New York's affordable housing program discriminates against blacks and Latinos.
Bill does little to limit agencies' ability to float debt, use eminent domain
The police's privilege and self-protectiveness is on rich display in the whole sordid saga.
Police abuse might have lit the fuse, but decades of awful top-down planning helped create the explosion.
What happens when central planners bulldoze communities and try to build better ones? Trampled property rights, dislocated families, wasted money, and failed development.
A $137 million three-mile train is coming to a nearly deserted avenue in a bankrupt city.
Not if their grand plans require grand corporate welfare
Economic Freedom Zones can't survive the regulatory state.
Until the Motor City fixes its services, liberal and libertarian renewal ideas will remain fantasy
The municipal bankruptcy mess is heading to a local government near you.
Prescription for unjamming traffic jams: A unique combination of technology and economics.
Beards and artisanal jam won't save the rust belt
Earlier this month, Cleveland's West Side Market celebrated its 100th anniversary with a fundraising party designed to raise dollars to help maintain the facility.
The Motor City must be liberated from its moribund government if it is going to survive.