Terror Fairy Tales
A new book preaches to the choir on civil liberties, but it's a heck of a sermon.
Runaway Missiles
Why not trust the president with the power to kill anyone he considers an enemy?
How Scared of Terrorism Should You Be?
Not very. You are four times more likely to be killed by a lightning bolt than by a terror attack.
Reason.tv: Reason-Rupe Poll - Do Americans Feel Safer After 9/11, TSA, and Foreign Wars?
Polling Director Emily Ekins analyzes post-9/11 feelings of homeland security
Reason-Rupe Poll: 55 Percent of Americans Say We've Given Up Too Much Freedom and Privacy in the Name of Security Since 9/11
Just 19 percent believe leaving troops in Afghanistan makes us safer; 62 percent say the war in Iraq hasn't been worth it; and 61 percent say U.S. uses its military too often in foreign conflicts
Bollywood vs. Jihad
Which is the bigger threat to fundamentalist Islam: the Pentagon or Mumbai?