Social Security Is Running Toward Insolvency
Despite a few encouraging analyses, the numbers just don't add up.
Despite a few encouraging analyses, the numbers just don't add up.
The curious case of the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance.
The IRS isn’t just a powerful federal agency, it’s a weapon against the public.
Meanwhile, Delaware's governor has blocked a more modest step, and a legalization initiative has qualified for the ballot in South Dakota.
The cultivation tax has driven up the cost of growing cannabis, fueling illegal operations and the state’s enormous black market.
Several studies have found that the vast majority of costs incurred by increased corporate taxes are passed along to workers in the form of lower wages.
Plus: Elon Musk's plans for Twitter, officials want to tax NFTs, and more...
The libertarianish Colorado Democrat is devolving decision-making to parents and trying to lower the income tax to zero.
Three state residents argue a new state law eliminating Disney's self-governing status unfairly makes taxpayers responsible for over $1 billion of the company's debt.
Heavy regulation, high taxes, and local bans combined to cripple the legal cannabis industry, which accounts for just a third of the state's pot market.
Tawanda Hall's house was worth $286,000 more than her overdue tax bill. There was nothing she could do about it.
Billionaires are better at figuring out what to do with their money than the government will ever be.
New CBO report shows that the longer Congress waits to deal with the debt, the bigger the problem becomes.
The state has 1,288 independent special districts. But we aren't hearing significant GOP complaints about anyone's but Disney's.
Plus: How misinformation spreads, ignoring inflation, and more...
Plus: The roots of the housing crisis, the U.S. Supreme Court reconsiders Miranda warnings, a judge halts Kentucky's abortion law, and more...
French President Emmanuel Macron is authoritarian-light. Candidate Marine Le Pen is worse.
The highly dubious lawsuit filed by four blue states against the the law capping federal tax deductions for state and local taxes is now truly dead in the water.
Plus: A short debate on intellectual property
The current run of price and wage increases could tip taxpayers into higher brackets, where they will owe larger slices of their income to the government.
An utterly meritless suit ends not with a bang, but a whimper.
If you resent government incompetence and malice, maybe your devalued dollars will buy less of it.
There's a lesson here for the federal government the next time a national economic crisis strikes: The states don't need bailouts.
The IRS takes not only your money, but a lot of your time.
Wealth isn't held the way many believe it is.
Instead of building on Republican support for federalism, they seem determined to alienate potential allies.
Plus: What is the libertarian stake in the culture war over school curriculums?
The president's $5.8 trillion budget shows he wants more of the same government spending that is already sending prices through the roof.
Just three Republicans voted for the MORE Act, two fewer than in 2020.
On the campaign trail, Biden rejected wealth taxes as punitive, divisive, and unworkable. Now, as president, he’s embraced the idea.
The president's new budget plan calls on Congress to tax wealthy Americans' unrealized capital gains.
Plus: North Carolina rescinds FART license plate, permit-free concealed carry gets OK in Ohio, COVID case counts rising again, and more...
Congress continues to allocate funds to produce weapons that the Pentagon itself says it doesn't need.
The state's tax commissioner claims NASCAR owes Ohio more than $549,000 in unpaid taxes merely because the state's residents watched NASCAR races on television.
A windfall profit tax on oil companies didn't work in the 1970s and it won't work today.
Good intentions, bad results
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has barred men aged 18-60 from leaving the country.
We must face the reality that the debt does matter.
Child care workers benefit from state subsidies. They’re fighting against possible cuts by encouraging regressive taxes that fuel a new drug war.
The House passed the bill this week with little fanfare and broad bipartisan support.
"Greed is constant. If it's greed, how do we explain prices falling?"
Plus: What the U.S. should do about Ukraine, America’s geriatric music market, and more…
The new taxes lawmakers are proposing to fund a universal health care system will likely drive even more Californians out of the state.
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