How Many People Have To Be Assaulted or Killed Before Chuck Schumer Stops Resisting Marijuana Banking Reform?
The Senate majority leader has repeatedly blocked a bill that would address the robbery threat to state-licensed pot shops.
The Senate majority leader has repeatedly blocked a bill that would address the robbery threat to state-licensed pot shops.
Taking personal responsibility turns out to be a better idea than putting faith in the state.
The initial decision to pursue prosecution runs contrary to the campaign promises of Alvin Bragg, who claims to understand that, so often, the process is the punishment.
Alvin Bragg campaigned on "ending mass incarceration." But that promise apparently does not apply to Jose Alba.
The case of Jose Alba reminds us that progressive prosecutors don't always apply their principles when they're inconvenient.
The government should loosen laws, reduce conflict between government and the public, and let people defend themselves.
Faculty/Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response (FASTER)
No hollow promise can replace our attachments to our children, spouses, friends, and our own lives.
A crack theft leads to alleged attempted rape and the shooting of the drug dealers / alleged attempted rapist.
The Charleston (West Virginia) incident from a few days ago, the FBI 2021 statistics, and more.
That perplexing situation underlines the hazards of police tactics that aim to prevent violence but often have the opposite effect.
The argument for loosening restrictions on armed self-defense goes beyond the measurable impact on public safety.
They’re not the only ones who should be allowed to protect themselves.
An interesting opinion in a case involving a form of legal insurance (from the National Association for Legal Gun Defense) for self-defense cases.
It's easy for many people to see the harm that guns are involved in every day in America, but much harder for them to see the harm that gun prohibition causes.
In the face of state failure, neglect, and overt hostility, black Americans need the right to bear arms.
The jury rightly concluded that the prosecution failed to prove its case.
An interesting passage on self-defense, which I think represents the majority though not unanimous view.
Are universities supposed to have institutional views on the facts about self-defense in a case half a continent way?
So holds a New Jersey appellate court.
If you support the duty to retreat (before using deadly force), what do you think of the duty to "comply[] with a demand ... [to] abstain from performing an act"?
But what exactly do these terms mean?
A ban won’t stop mass shootings, but it will hinder self-defense.
An interesting decision on a motion to dismiss in this libel lawsuit.
New gun owners are unlikely to embrace disarmament schemes from a government they distrust.
Self-defense against racist rioters.
But what exactly do these terms mean? [UPDATE: Sorry, had the numbers completely swapped in the original title; d'oh!]
Millions of new firearm owners who have lost faith in cops and government will be a tough audience for shopworn gun control schemes.
David Lacey faces three misdemeanor assault charges that hinge on whether he reasonably believed he and his wife were in danger.
You generally can't claim self-defense if you're a robber "defending" yourself against your victim's own self-defense—but do you also lose your self-defense rights if your only crime is illegally carrying a handgun?
Gun opponents would leave predatory cops armed and their victims helpless.
Advice from Vice-President Biden.
It depends, whether as to looting or other threats to property.
"The people of Polk County like guns, they have guns."
"Chang Lee gripped his fingers tighter around the gun and screamed at potential looters from the rooftop of the small strip mall where he stood."
Michael Drejka said he had to shoot Markeis McGlockton in self-defense. Jurors disagreed.
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