Mandatory Restaurant Calorie Postings Don't Affect Consumer Choices
Latest study echoes others that say they don't cause people to eat less
Scientists: E-Cigarettes Could Save Lives
If people switch over from smoking tobacco
Scientists Find Gene Mutation Connected to Eating Disorders
Bulimia and Anorexia may have biological markers
Antifungal Cream Discovered to Eradicate HIV
Could be important breakthrough, as it's already approved for use on humans
New Study Says Fracking Doesn't Emit Excessive Methane
Undercuts one major argument against it
Study: Increase in Prescription Painkiller Use Has Not Improved Pain Treatment
Fears widespread use has led to addiction, but not actual success
The White House's Latest Food Police Efforts Appear All Wet
Science doesn't back up overconsumption of water
Living Tissue Reverted Back to Embryonic State
We'll live forever! Except it causes tumors.
Researchers Think Broccoli May Help Fight Arthritis
Crap, we are going to be forced to buy it, aren't we?
Strategic Video Games Like StarCraft Improve Problem-Solving Skills
Also, it's impossible to find men who don't play a lot of video games
Gov. Jerry Brown Condescends Toward Women in Egg-Sale Bill Veto
Loathsome paternalism from the left. Where are the protests?
Medical Marijuana Debate Draws Attention to Treating Seizures
Coverage of recent successes may spur demand for more research
Researchers Find Two New Genetic Mutations Connected to Epilepsy
Had never before been linked to the disease
CNN's Sanjay Gupta Comes Around on Medical Marijuana
Doctor realizes its value to certain patients and the challenges for researchers
Study Challenges Link Between Military Combat and Suicide
Researchers could not find actual relationship
University of California System Will Open Access to (Almost) All Scientific Research
Public will gain access to thousands of published research papers moving forward, though there is an opt-out process.
Study Suggests 'Stop-and-Frisk' May Encourage Youth Crime
If you're going to be treated like a criminal anyway
Renowned Sex Researcher Virginia Johnson Dies at 88
She and her husband changed the way sex was studied
Fungicides May Be Contributing to Honey Bee Deaths
Chemicals may impair their ability to fight off parasites
Study Questions Whether 'Sex Addiction' Is Real
Brian responses don't match what is seen in other addictions
Scientists Complete Transplant of Retinas Made from Stem Cells in Mice
Could help work toward doing the same for humans
Study Shows Calorie-Counting Backfiring as Obesity-Fighting Measure
McDonald's diners given calorie guidelines ate more, not less
Feds Analyze Problem of Shattered Baseball Bats at MLB Games
Just what we need from our government!
Radio Wave Bursts Discovered Originating from Outside the Galaxy
Furthest came from 11 billion light years away
Scientists Create Human Liver from Stem Cell
May take another 10 years before they can be used on patients, though
Ritalin May Cure Cocaine Addiction
Kind of a "fighting fire with fire" thing going on
Scientists Regrow Severed Spinal Cords in Rats
Could someday help humans do the same
Most Chimps to Be Retired from Government Research
310 to be removed from medical research over the next few years
NASA Postpones Virginia Rocket Launches
Project to study electrical current in the atmosphere
American Medical Association: Obesity Is Not a Disease
Treating it as one undermines prevention efforts
Eyeing the Calorie-Watcher Researchers
A new study on the impact of calorie information at fast food and chain restaurants raises more questions than it answers.
Researchers: Drug War Censors Science
Bans on marijuana, other substances, hampers medical research