Rand Paul
Rand Paul and 10 Heedless Hawks
The Kentucky senator offers a desperately needed alternative to the GOP's mindless militarism.
Databases: Violating the Rights of Muslims and Gun Owners
Something else Donald Trump and Democrats have in common
Rand Paul's Refugee Stance, Alienating Libertarians
Paul has never highly valued free immigration as a liberty Americans should care about.
Updated! Donald Trump, Muslim IDs, and Mike Huckabee's Falafel Fixation
The GOP succumbs to nativist hysteria in the wake of Paris attacks.
Visa Waiver Program Under Attack from Libertarianish Senators
Rand Paul, Jeff Flake want to limit the types of French and European citizens America will let visit without a background check
Do Paris Attacks Mean the End of Rand Paul's Presidential Hopes?
In the wake of Paris atrocities, supporting civil liberties and non-interventionism just got way less popular.
Marijuana Legalizers Who Ran for President
Major-party candidates who opposed pot prohibition before Bernie Sanders
Rand Paul's Grand Return: That and More on Tonight's Stossel [UPDATE: Show Postponed Until at Least 10 p.m. Due to Paris Attacks]
Watch Matt Welch and others discuss the 'elephants in the room' at 8 p.m. on Fox Business Network
Rand Paul Blasts Chris Christie's "Learning Problem"
The Kentucky senator says his GOP rival fails to understand, "You can use the Fourth Amendment and still get terrorists."
Bernie Sanders Is Not The First Major-Party Presidential Candidate To Say Marijuana Should Be Legal
But he has had a bigger impact than the others.
The Anarchist Who Became President
Which occupant of the Oval Office flirted with anti-authoritarian ideas in his youth?
Post-Debate, Is Rand Paul Back?
Rand Paul can balance the budget, he blames the Fed, he'll talk rather than start wars we can't afford, and generally seemed the most thoughtfully radical guy up there.
Rand Paul is Not an Isolationist
Rubio's mischaracterization may have been a good applause line but it's the kind of lack of thinking sinking Republicans.
The 3 Best and Worst Moments of Last Night's GOP Debate
After the circus in Colorado, did Fox Business deliver a debate of ideas?
Memo to Rubio: We Already Spend Far More on 'Defense' Than Any Other Country
If Congress cut the Pentagon's budget in half, the U.S. would still be "the strongest military power in the world."
Rand Paul vs. Marco Rubio: Tea Party Fracas Over Foreign Policy and Immigration "Amnesty"
In the debate tonight, Paul needs to sell his foreign policy, but he's got nothing fresh on immigration
Beat the Elite
Politicians in Washington want to tell you what to do and take your money for it.
Debate Recap: Republicans Say the REAL Enemy is the Damn Liberal Media
No, not the debt, or entitlements, or even Hillary Clinton.
Rand Paul's Filibuster Over the Debt Deal Will Be More Interesting Than the #GOPDebate
It won't stop a terrible budget deal, but it will send a message about spending that will eventually be heeded.
GOP Debate: Somewhere in That Blob of Candidates Beats a Libertarian Heart
Nobody went full libertarian, but belief in limited government started to show around the edges.
Dear Rand Paul: Legalize it, Already!
Wanna make some headlines in Boulder today? Have the courage to be the only Republican presidential candidate to say what most Americans already believe about pot
3 Questions About SCOTUS for Tonight's GOP Presidential Debate
The Supreme Court deserves more attention in the 2016 White House race.
Rand Paul Vows Filibuster of Debt Limit Bill
Senator holds back his desire to use profanity in describing the super-spendy bill.
Anti-Pot Group Names Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders Worst Candidates on Marijuana
Can you guess who Smart Alternatives to Marijuana (Project SAM) thinks are the best candidates? Probably, even if you're tripping balls right now.
Jesse Benton, former Ron Paul Campaign Aid and Rand Paul SuperPAC Operator, Acquitted on Lying to FBI Charge [UPDATED]
Prosecution of Benton and another campaign aid began over alleged campaign finance reporting violations.
Yes, Rand Paul, Running for President Is a Drag. So Have Some Fun, Already!
5 ways that the libertarianish candidate can turn a depressing duty into a liberating opportunity
Rand Paul's Fumbling on Gay Discrimination Question Was Eminently Avoidable
The right answer needs the right argument to avoid callousness.
Rand Paul's Campaign Memo Says That Rand Paul's Campaign Rules and is Here to Stay
Ground game, history, youth appeal in Iowa, and smartly spent cash on hand will keep Paul in the game for the long haul, campaign insists.
Ron Paul Testifies at Former Aides' Campaign Finance Violation Trial
Paul says he and his family are "victimized" by opportunistic prosecution.
The DemDebate Clarified That Many Libertarian Views Have Gone Mainstream
Clinton, Sanders, Webb, O'Malley, and Chaffee are nobody's idea of small-government crusaders, but they got some things right.
Rand Paul: 'Idiots in the Republican Party' Want War in Syria and So Does Hillary Clinton
Candid moment from Paul's livestream
Penn Jillette: Bernie Sanders is the 'one person in this race who's actually genuine and not crazy' [UPDATE: Penn sez 'You are right, I am wrong']
Libertarian magician praises the socialist and disses Rand Paul
Rand Paul Edges Out Ted Cruz in Straw Poll at Republican Liberty Caucus Convention in New Hampshire
Paul and Cruz sparring over the "liberty" GOP vote heats up; whose votes were more genuine? Foreign policy still a fault line.
HuffPost: "The Libertarian Moment Is Alive and Well…"
"...regardless of Rand Paul's campaign." You got that right, brother.
Bad News for Rand Paul: Salon Is Saying Nice Things About Him
Sign of a campaign apocalypse?
Rand Paul: 3rd Quarter Fundraising $2.5 Million; Feuding with Cruz
Money raised less than half of Ron Paul's 3rd quarter 2007 cash. More signs of trouble for Paul campaign?
Politico Overstates His Dropping Out, Insists Rand Paul-Supporting SuperPAC Chief Edward Crane
But he needs a more libertarian Rand Paul to feel good about asking his friends to give money for him.
Trump, Cruz Make Play for Paul Supporters, But Rand Says He's Not Going Anywhere
Republicans want to compete for libertarian votes.
New Daily Show Host Admits to Political "Romance" with Rand Paul
Trevor Noah finds Rand Paul refreshingly "sane."