'A lousy Republican, a lousy conservative, and a vulgar human being'
Some televised commentary about various 2016 candidates, including a shout-out to "Team Woodchipper"
Some televised commentary about various 2016 candidates, including a shout-out to "Team Woodchipper"
Dionne Wilson joined Sen. Rand Paul and a bipartisan roster of lawmakers and advocates at yesterday's "Fair Justice" summit in D.C.
Wanting tougher immigration law to prevent possible crimes is like wanting tougher gun laws to prevent possible crimes.
On Trump, Campaign 2016, and candidates trying to act cool
New Rand Paul video gives viewers three choices of how "to kill the tax code": burn it, chainsaw it, or feed to a woodchipper.
It won't end the culture war but will lead to even more government interference in families
He wants Muslim foreigners to be required to register with Uncle Sam
Both want to privatize marriage, but the idea doesn't make sense
Mindless anti-libertarianism
New Jersey's governor dismisses concerns about warrantless snooping.
Bizarre criticism of Paul's web fundraising
More than any other major-party presidential candidate, but there's room for improvement.
Raises questions, but doesn't provide answers, even though he has some.
The Kentucky senator gets an A- from MPP, followed by Jim Webb with a B+.
Presidential candidates and sitting Congressmen are featured in a film which commands Christian soldiers to fight.
John Roberts to the rescue... of Obamacare.
Libertarian Republicans and the Confederate flag
Comments cater to religious conservatives without supporting a federal role in solutions.
Hillary Clinton is physically and mentally fit for the office. But her policies are absolutely tired, backward-looking & so last-century.
The Kentucky senator outlines plans in WSJ, on same opinion page that blasts Marco Rubio's budget-busting proposal.
Sociologist Alan Wolfe rants against Rand Paul & a philosophy that would legalize drugs, allow gay marriage, open the borders, and avoid non-defensive wars.
Rush's famously Ayn Rand-inspired drummer/lyricist will only vote Democrat, because health care and compassion
An unusual foreign policy stance has unusual political perils.
There's lots to say about Rand Paul's campaign. Someone's going to say all of it.
Are there libertarian-leaning Republicans who think Rand Paul is too soft on ISIS?
Reason's guide to whether any of the 2016 presidential hopefuls would actually cut government.
From quoting Glenn Greenwald to calling Marco Rubio a 'so-called conservative' to saying the Republican brand 'sucks,' the Kentucky senator is living up to the whole 'new kind of Republican' thing
Dissenting justices understood the possible consequences, even back in the 1970s.
"We've got too many laws," says the libertarian firebrand.
The hawkish Republican still chooses Paul over Clinton
Modest, but actual, scaling back on metadata collection authorities.
The Senate majority leader tries to kill FISA Court transparency.
The intra-party fight over Patriot Act & USA Freedom Act is a sign we're finally moving past 9/11 politics.
Another anti-Rand Paul candidate who claims affinity for libertarian ideas.
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