Paul Ryan Makes Appeal to Ron Paul Supporters
Says they see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues.
Plans to highlight contrasts between Romney and Obama at convention, such that they are.
We're just asking questions...and wondering about the P90X insanity!
Specifics still left wanting
Where do Ron Paul supporters go? Will the GOP talk about cutting spending? And what about social issues?
Tea partiers' and libertarians' growing influence in the GOP will be on full display when the three Pauls converge in Tampa for the GOP Convention.
GOP presumptive nominee is looking to uncover more potential donors.
Claim that some groups will try to close bridges and disrupt proceedings
Critics of the Russian-born writer miss what's important in her ideas.
Mitt Romney's vice presidential pick is a friend to the welfare/warfare state.
If America gets off the road to serfdom, Paul Ryan deserves much of the credit.
Presumptive GOP nominee struggling to explain how savings will be made under his plan
Romney's VP pick has yet to swing more support to the GOP
Voter aren't big fans of the veep pick overall either.
Obama campaign has treated the Badger State as a toss-up since June.
The President has shifted from attacking Ryan's welfare proposals and has his sights on the VP nominee's education plans
Ryan's office won't confirm the call, POLITICO's sources say Ryan did not call for resignation but that the conversation was not brief
Does not appreciate the would-be vice president listing "Rage Against The Machine" as a favorite band
The Romney campaign has collected more than $10 million online since Ryan's pick.
Chasing after the blue-collar vote, though, can cause problems with business backers
Obama and Romney try to create rhetorical differences where substantive ones may not exist.
It's time to retire the lame cliché about "ending Medicare as we know it."
It's easy to improve health care if cost is no object. It's easy to reduce costs if you can tolerate worse health outcomes.
The Bush years were bad for freedom; without them, we would not have had an Obama administration.
They'll at least keep fact-checking orgs occupied.
Increase in support for Romney since VP pick has been negligible.
The presumptive GOP nominee has distanced himself from cuts proposed by Paul Ryan.
Claimed to be against TARP, then sought out funds for companies back in Wisconsin.
Fundraiser with billionaire mega-donor Sheldon Adelson at The Venetian in Las Vegas.
Ryan was a loyal soldier throughout the free-spending George W. Bush years, and a big government conservative under Obama.
Erskine Bowles made the comments a year ago at the University of North Carolina.
Mark McKinnon say Ryan pick means that Romney will "probably lose. Maybe big".
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