Utah May Legalize Free-Range Parenting
Lawmakers want to roll back penalties for childhood freedom.
Lawmakers want to roll back penalties for childhood freedom.
It isn't just parents. Cops, schools, reporters, bureaucrats and busybodies got in on the action this year.
Low I.Q. used as a justification for taking boy away, even absent any evidence of abuse or neglect.
There's an easy way to make more Americans: immigration.
The latest on the case of Zach Anderson.
Just because the world is not perfectly safe does not mean it is terribly dangerous.
Crisis pregnancy centers in California say the state's "Reproductive FACT Act" violates their First Amendment rights.
Hint: It's the same way you should talk to them about kidnapping.
Lenore Skenazy, Jonathan Haidt, Peter Gray, and Daniel Shuchman launch, Let Grow, a non-profit devoted to promoting better policies for raising children.
Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.
Bad policy and paranoid parenting are making kids too safe to succeed.
Humor isn't CPS's strong suit.
The witch hunt against Zach Anderson continues
It could happen to you, whatever "it" is.
Risks? What about the risk of never taking a risk?
We have come to see childhood only through the lens of danger.
A national newspaper endorses free-range parenting
Canadian Ministry of Children and Family Development slams the brakes on autonomous children
The TV host and one-name celeb talks about cherry vodka, teenage rebellion, Frank Zappa, free-range parenting, and life as Fox's token libertarian.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Every parent be concerned when the state makes it illegal for parents to trust their kids.
The Recreation and Parks Department needs to get its priorities straight.
They're not alone. Normal parenting mistakes can be used against people with disabilities.
The child visited one store in the mall while the mother visited another.
The frantic mother called 911 for help and the police gave her a ticket for suspicion of child abuse by neglect.
The comedian and Fox News host celebrates his free-range childhood in the 1970s and what it means for his own kids.
"Absent actual abuse, the parent has the right to decide what's best for their children."
"If anything had happened to your son while he was unattended in the men's room, you never would have forgiven yourself."
Tamara Loertscher gave birth to a healthy baby boy in 2015. Then she challenged the Wisconsin law that nearly kept them apart.
Boston College psychologist Peter Gray says a cultural shift in child rearing is having dire consequences.
The kicker: it was a United flight.
Who decides how we parent?
Not getting an egg: the end of the world?
It's like open carry, but for Coppertone.
Mike Tang spent a night in jail and faces a year of parenting classes and picking up trash for his choice of discipline.
What if she sneaks alcohol into the dance?
"This is a bill to make sure my parents would not be criminals."
The lethal consequences of a common, obscure hospital licensing law
"Anytime you have child of that age, alone, and unattended, there is a ton of risks that can happen to them."
To err is... a crime necessitating the intervention of child protective services.
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