3 Stupid Responses to Hurricane Sandy - and Every Other Disaster You Can Think Of
This trifecta gets trotted out whenever there's a hurricane, earthquake, or terrifying event.
This trifecta gets trotted out whenever there's a hurricane, earthquake, or terrifying event.
Best reason to vote for Romney so far
First, from The Hill's Mark Mellman, who notes that most of the "fundamentals" (such as economic trends, demography, etc.) all favor a Barack Obama win.
Says Romney is wrong and they aren't moving production to China
American political tribalism continues to wane.
He's not going to win the election. But a strong showing by him may just win the future.
The Republican presidential hopeful is at odds with his party's free-trade beliefs.
About a third of both Obama and Romney supporters plan to vote early
It's not that the GOP nominee thinks that federal disaster mitigation and response is frequently less effective than locally directed efforts. No, it's the opposite--because federal coordination is "vital," this Republican wants to euthanize it, because that's just how venal he and his party are.
Said disaster relief should be a state responsibility
Media disappointment in the failure of Obama and Romney to address issues of particular importance.
Obama and Romney think a U.S. president can and should orchestrate events in the Muslim world.
Like illegal military actions, costly drug wars and killing innocent people with drones? Nah, that's silly stuff.
He is the lesser of two big-government, Harvard-educated evils.
Minorities, women, and recent graduates expected to turn out to vote at similar rates
Says it could be to do with race
Recent comments from the GOP's Indiana Senate candidate an unwelcome distraction
Romney keeping with the protectionist rhetoric
Don't expect much bold action from the (maybe) new guy
Debate performance may have contributed to haul
Mitt accused of lying about value of company
The candidate who broke several high-profile promises from his 2008 campaign seems to have ignored that
If we've learned anything from past campaigns, it's that the winner will have an unpredictable foreign policy.
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