The Andrew Jackson of the Middle East
The ugly side of Moshe Feiglin
We have either an incompetent secretary of state or a momentous shift in Middle East policy.
It gets increasingly difficult to imagine that the U.S. has gained anything worthwhile from its invasion of Iraq.
Patrick Kennedy can move there if he wants
For goods like medicines or government documents
Syria the most dangerous country in the region
Spoof made fun of country's youth culture
Convicted of insulting the prophet Muhammad
Announcement made after freeing 26 Palestinian prisoners
Secretary of state complimented Syria for its cooperation for beginning process of destroying its chemical weapons
Wants a resolution addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
If the Obama Administration really cared, there are a few easy steps to making not just Syria, but the whole world, a safer place
Decades of interventionist foreign policy have eroded our freedom without making the world a safer place.