Libertarian History/Philosophy
Is Comedy a Form of Political Resistance? Nick Gillespie at Cato Unbound
Political scientist Michael Munger and comedians Jeremy McLellan and Lou Perez explain how serious comedy works.
Glenn Reynolds: Majoritarianism in the Courts Is a Bad, Bad Thing
Following Randy Barnett, Instapundit makes a clear compelling case for originalism and limited government.
Steve Bannon Hates Libertarians Because *We're* Not Living in the Real World?
"Economic nationalist" Trump adviser blasts people foolish enough to believe in "Free Minds and Free Markets."
The Giving Tree: Bad Book or Worst Book?
Vandals in California are chopping up trees in imitation of the most-blatantly misogynistic book in all kids' lit in imitation of Shel Silverstein's classic.
Frederick Douglass Hated Socialism
He stood for natural rights, racial equality, and economic liberty in a free labor system. At the heart of his worldview was the principle of self-ownership.
P.J. O'Rourke on Trump, Populism, and "How the Hell Did This Happen?" [Reason Podcast]
The libertarian humorist talks about his new book, his darkest fears, and the value of a liberal arts education.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Is Being For More Immigration Inherently Unlibertarian?
Some argue libertarians must oppose more immigration, because immigrants will vote for more big government and make the country less libertarian. That's either a bad argument or one for total tyranny in the name of liberty.
If You Can Work from Anywhere and Want To Travel Everywhere, Become a Digital Nomad (Reason Podcast)
Meet two women who are "workationing" their way around the world and spending less money than if they stayed home.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
How My Father, Jerome Tuccille, 'Failed' His Way to Success
The libertarian author of "It Usually Begins With Ayn Rand" and many other books died February 16.
The Cosmopolitan's Case Against Donald Trump or, Make Mine Mises! [Reason Podcast]
Free trade and free migration form the core of the American libertarian identity, says Brian Doherty. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Reason and Libertarianism in the Trump Era [Reason Podcast]
"Free movement of people and goods across borders are incredibly important things. And Trump is not into either of those things."
Help Choose "The 50 Most Influential Libertarians" at FreedomFest with William Shatner This July!
Survey asks for picks from politics, business, media, and more. Participate and get $100 off FreedomFest registration.
Trump's Dangerous Anti-Libertarian Nationalism
Promises to cut domestic regulations or shake up the system do not a tolerable libertarian make. Trump is indeed a major threat to core libertarian values. Ask Ludwig Von Mises.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Jerome Tuccille, Author of It Usually Begins With Ayn Rand and More, RIP
The historian, biographer, activist was 80 years old. The libertarian movement has lost one of its greats with his passing.
Ask Brian Doherty Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Libertarian Movement
And then donate to the magazine that lets you do stuff like that!
Subscribe to Reason's Podcast and Enjoy Your Commute Again!
It's free, easy, and fun. Never be at a loss for great conversations about politics, culture, and ideas from a unique and principled libertarian perspective.
Johan Norberg: 10 Reasons To Look Forward To the Future (New Reason Podcast)
From increased life expectancy to reduced levels of violence to greater personal freedom, things are going in the right direction.
Nick Gillespie on Libertarianism, Why Gary Johnson Is a Success, Trump, Clinton, and Millennials
Also discusses where Rand Paul went wrong on "Part of the Problem" podcast with Dave Smith. Listen now!
Reason Podcasts are a "counterweight to the echo chamber of conservative or liberal media"
Subscribe now for in-depth conversations with Penn Jillette, Gary Johnson, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and more.
Should Libertarians Vote for Trump? Nick Gillespie Debates Walter Block on Nov. 1
Live debate at New York City's Soho Forum, will be livestreamed as well.
The Election Is Rigged, But Not as Trump Would Have Us Believe
The outcome of the 2016 presidential election is predetermined for power and against liberty.
Reason's Podcasts at iTunes and Soundcloud! Subscribe Now!
It's all here, from "libertarian Star Trek" to Penn Jillette on the 2016 race to Katherine Mangu-Ward talking Reason history with Virginia Postrel.
Where Did Trump Come From?
A new history of the American right sheds light on the GOP in 2016.
Dumb Voters Needn't Mean a People Unable to Run Their Own Lives
A reminder from libertarian philosopher Jason Brennan, author of Against Democracy
Conservatives Are From Mars, Libertarians Are From…Woodstock?
There's no ceasefire in conservative Republican concern-trolling about Gary Johnson and William Weld's ideological apostasies.
Friday A/V Club: When the Governor Has a Libertarian Side
The Maryland governor who defied Prohibition, and the Utah governor who wouldn't pay his income tax
George Will on the Limits of Majority Rule
"What we need is an engaged judiciary asserting the fact that the essence of America is not majority rule, it is liberty."
"The Alternative To Innovation Is Not Stability. It's Stagnation."
Fred Smith of the Competitive Enterprise Institute & Center for the Advancement of Capitalism wants business owners to champion free markets better.
Judge Andrew Napolitano on Election 2016 and Being a Pro-Life Libertarian
The Fox News legal analyst fears electing Trump OR Clinton would be the "demise of the Constitution as we understand it."
New Gay-Friendly GOP Targets LGBTQ Voters With Fabulousness, Fearmongering, While Democrats Embrace Hillary Clinton, Transgender Movement
From a limited-government, classical-liberal perspective, neither convention presented an inspiring future for LGBT activism.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Libertarianism, Yes! But *What Kind* of Libertarianism?
Virtue vs. Libertinism or, a Reason debate on liberty, license, coercion, and responsibility.
The Libertarian Party Was the First Modern Crew To Nominate a Woman To Ticket
Tonie Nathan ran for vice-president in 1972 and, along with presidential nominee John Hospers, won an electoral vote.
"Let people do what they want with their own bodies and property": Q&A with Todd Seavey
'Libertarianism for Beginners' was born in seeing the Soviet Union collapse.
Rep. Thomas Massie: 'Republicans Want to Spend More Money Just as Much as Democrats Do.'
The Kentucky Congressman on Trump, House of Cards, and the plot to kick out Boehner.
Don't Tell Us How to Live Our Lives!: A Libertarian Millennial Manifesto!
Exclusive excerpt from Government Gone Wild: How D.C. Politicians Are Taking You for a Ride-and What You Can Do About It.
In Search of the Elusive Cultural Libertarian
You might be a cultural libertarian if... well, that depends on whom you ask.
Randy Barnett: How To Secure Our Liberty Through "Our Republican Constitution"
The intellectual leader of the libertarian legal movement talks about Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, third parties, Merrick Garland, and how to roll back the state.
Bob Poole Remembers Tibor Machan, A Fellow Founding Co-Editor of Reason Magazine
Machan was one of the libertarian community's most prolific writers and thinkers.
Tibor Machan, a Founding Editor of Reason, RIP
Refugee from communism, academic philosopher, Objectivist, popular columnist brought precision and clarity to Reason's early years.
Open Borders, Open Markets, Low Taxes, Tiny Government: The Liechtenstein Model
The European microstate provides a prosperous example of governance in the third millennium.
Is Liechtenstein a Libertarian Utopia?
Prince Hans-Adam II says open borders, low taxes, free trade, and small government should define "the state in the third millennium."
Giancarlo Ibarguen, R.I.P.
Leader of Guatemalan Universidad Francisco Marroquin advocated for startup cities and libertarian ideas in Latin America.
Americans Have Always Been Obsessed With National Security
Since the beginning of the republic, nationalists have warned that because America is exceptional, it faces constant danger.