Libertarian History/Philosophy
A New Kind of Republican
Congressman Justin Amash discusses libertarian foreign policy, Austrian economics, civil liberties, abortion, and more.
The Blank Slate State
Will an isolated corner of Honduras become the new birthplace of liberty?
The Free Market Is a Beautiful Thing
Trade and cooperation are superior to force and command.
Is Anarchism Socialist or Capitalist?
A new defense of libertarian anarchism makes the case that the philosophy belongs on the left.
Why The GOP/Ryan Budget is a Non-Starter for Libertarians
It grows the size, scope, and spending of government.
It's Hard to Gross Out a Libertarian: Jonathan Haidt on How Our Tolerance for Disgust Determines Our Politics
The NYU psychologist on sex and the culture war
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Advocates Conscious Capitalism
In his new book, the co-founder of Whole Foods Market promotes free-market thinking while criticizing Wall Street.
How Free-Market Thought Succeeded By Getting More Radical
A brilliant history shows libertarianism, even when uncredited, changing the world.
The Neoliberal Revolution
A new book gives Hayek, Friedman, and others too much credit—and too little.
6 Video Games Every Libertarian Should Play
Post-apocalyptic America, Ayn Rand underwater, the decline of the Wild West, and more.