Trump's National Emergency Is an American Obscenity
Republicans embrace presidential authoritarianism, continuing a foul bipartisan tradition of legislating immigration through the executive branch.
Republicans embrace presidential authoritarianism, continuing a foul bipartisan tradition of legislating immigration through the executive branch.
The bill would likely stop Trump from using the "military version of eminent domain."
The legislative branch is failing its basic constitutional duties, out of cowardly fear of a blustery president.
You should call for a guest worker program to solve the problem of unauthorized immigration.
Drama over a possible government shutdown came to a head today. But Amash is sure of "one thing": The eventual deal won't be good for the country.
Senate Republicans are torn between their hatred of voting on bills, their fear of poking the bear, and their love of confirming judges.
Plus: U.S. support for gay speakers rose as support for racist speakers diminished.
"It could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event-maybe he did and maybe he didn't!" Trump said earlier.
Amash and Massie are both members of the House Liberty Caucus and provide some of the few Congressional glimmers of hope for libertarians.
Democrats are expected to take the House majority, but will libertarian-friendly Republicans like Thomas Massie and Justin Amash keep their seats?
At least one Republican congressman agrees.
If hatred is the country's main political motivator these days, you might as well lean into it.
The bill may be new, but Amash's criticism of the Saudi regime is not.
Trump will "now be put to the test," Amash says.
6th Circuit rejects argument that eliminating the one-vote ability to choose a political party's entire candidate slate amounts to intentional racial discrimination. Ruling could have impact in New Mexico.
The libertarian Republican explains why New Mexico's voting change is "primarily a scheme to unfairly benefit the major party establishments."
The allegations against Trump are serious, Amash says. But impeachment, he adds, isn't something to take lightly.
"I didn't come to Washington to make friends."
The bill passed overwhelmingly by a 379-1 House vote, but according to Rep. Amash, it lacks a "constitutional basis."
In a series of tweets, the libertarian-leaning Republican detailed why Trump's joint press conference with Vladimir Putin was all wrong.
Amash wondered why Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan even want to be leaders in Congress "if all they intend to do is outsource their jobs to the president."
"Kavanaugh is not another Gorsuch-not even close."
Amash was one of just three House Republicans to vote against the spending bill.
The incident says a lot of things about the president's character, none of them good.
Boehner openly despised the libertarian Republican from Michigan but actually allowed him and others to debate and vote freely on spending bills.
The vaunted policy wonk's career has expanded the size, scope, and spending of government.
The firebrand Michigan congressman unloads on the GOP leadership's unwillingness to shrink government's size, scope, and spending.
Push by lawmakers for stricter warrant requirements fails.
House to vote on a bill that would codify unwarranted searches of Americans' communications.
Can they get past the FBI vs. Trump narrative to talk about snooping on the rest of us?
Rand Paul squares off against John McCain yet again on military spending, in a fight that could derail both the budget and tax reform.
President Trump and his congressional collaborators get set for a free-spending fall, warns the libertarian congressman
Matt Welch interviews the libertarian-leaning legislators, as well as Emily Yoffe and Eli Lake, on Channel 121
The libertarian congressman says the internet is poised to destroy politics as we know it.
If we want to limit the inherent corruption of politics, let's reduce the inherent power of government.
The libertarian legislator says Trump's letter to Comey was "bizarre."
Justin Amash, Mark Sanford, and a half-dozen others describe AHCA as a "marginal" win that will hopefully be improved in the Senate.
A deeply unpopular bill, passed via untenable process, gets near-unanimous support from legislators who used to rail against such things.
Republicans have tried taking him out in the primaries before and failed.
The ultimate outsider candidate collaborates with the GOP establishment to marginalize the House Freedom Caucus and pivot toward centrist Democrats
Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Matt Welch talk about why the GOP is screwing up Obamacare replacement and much more.
"I'm an American no less than you are."
Show a libertarian some love.
As Jason Chaffetz gets heckled and Justin Amash gets applauded, it's worth thinking about media double standards, political honesty in the age of Trump, and the terrifying intimacy of health care.
The most libertarian member of Congress explains why he opposes Trump's executive order while agreeing with the president that refugee screening needs significant improvement
Matt Welch talks SCOTUS, travel ban, and the ethics of #DeleteUber on SiriusXM Insight's The Dean Obeidallah Show
'It's not lawful to ban immigrants on basis of nationality,' writes Amash.
"Libertarians emerging as Trump resistance," says Politico. Sounds about right.
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