John McCain Respects "Will of the People" on Marijuana Legalization, On Syria Not So Much
Faced heavy criticism on Syria at town halls, insisted there was "passion on both sides"
Faced heavy criticism on Syria at town halls, insisted there was "passion on both sides"
Everybody keep those boots off the ground
Had planned to talk about immigration
Not a fan of the limited response put forward by the Obama administration
It's not like anything is going to change his mind at this point anyway
The Syria vote marks a key gut check in the GOP's-and America's-conflict of visions
Red lines are red lines the senator says
Like the war-torn country has some sort of secret defenses they could put up
Dude I think the embassy closures tipped them off
Solution to political crisis left wanting
Wants them to urge the military to organize elections
Some patrons may choose to make it hail instead
McConnell is restricted by an upcoming primary battle while McCain takes up role negotiating with Democrats
Wants to increase efforts to get House to pass immigration bill
Tell Secretary of State John Kerry they want no-fly zones and humanitarian safe havens
Move alarming conservatives
House of Representatives didn't vote on immigration measure passed by the Senate
Says it would be "over sufficient"
Bad political pitches, part XCVIII.
The Obama administration doesn't understand what the average citizen does: Stay out of the Middle East.
Some Republicans think the scandal goes all the way to Washington
And this is the guy who says we can identify the 'good guys'
McCain has supported intervention nearly as long as the conflict's been ongoing