Kaine Says Clinton Wasn't Lying About Her Emails—Just 'Talking Past' Her Interviewer
The transcript clearly shows otherwise.
The transcript clearly shows otherwise.
In his new book Presto!, he explains how he made 100 lbs. disappear and chows down on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
The Democratic nominee attempts to clarify a false statement about a misleading claim.
"We don't pay ransom for hostages" and other obvious falsehoods from the past week.
It's important to be the right kind of war hawk.
Fox Business Network broadcast at 8 p.m. ET also includes discussion of Clint Eastwood and the benefits of drinking while married
Matt Welch blasts Pat Buchanan on the Baltics, Michael Moynihan argues that presidential stupidity matters, and Kmele, bless his heart, tries to engage with BLMers in Lower Manhattan
The Squint says political correctness means "It's a sad time in history."
Instead of partisan schadenfreude, can we have a serious debate about policy for a change?
The former GOP guvs spend an hour with Anderson Cooper and make themselves stand out by being optimistic realists.
More than 12 times as many Florida Democrats rejected Al Gore in favor of Bush than they did for Nader.
Their platform and their presidential nominee disdain the constitutional right to arms.
Former GOP candidate keeping a low profile in presidential commentary, but certainly understands why a limited-government voter may choose the Libertarian Party nominee
Forget Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton just like we've forgotten about Braniff Airlines.
The libertarian magician also reveals how he lost over 100 pounds in a few short months and why Bob Dylan is his hero.
Filmmakers producing a real-time documentary on Libertarian Party nominee's race for White House.
The Democratic nominee's proxies argue that she was merely reckless with the facts.
Trump's shoestring campaign is subsisting on less than half of Clinton's vast fortune, yet the usual voices supporting taxpayer-funded political campaigns have fallen strangely silent.
Steve Forbes isn't fooled by the tough-talking billionaire. So why is he endorsing him?
The numbers are unstable right now, but give it a few weeks.
James Comey confirmed that the Democratic nominee has repeatedly misled the public about her State Department emails.
The retired general shouted out plans to intervene endlessly to rid the planet of "evil."
Hint: It's not the top of their ticket.
Live at 10 p.m. ET on HBO, with Bernie Sanders, Barney Frank, Cornel West and Alex Wagner
Political concession to the Sanders crowd that you'll pay $35 billion for
The RNC and DNC were rife with protectionist, zero-sum economics. That will get us absolutely nowhere as a country.
We fixed the Morgan Freeman-narrated 2016 DNC Hillary bio video
It's an on-brand choice for the Democratic Socialist senator.
Here's what the Democratic nominee will say, and how it will be received.
Democrats refuse to understand how telling people and businesses what they can and can't do is also authoritarianism
Sanders doesn't have enough allies in Congress and isn't even a Democrat. Besides, the Tea Party has basically fizzled out with rise of Donald Trump.
Gun violence, police abuse, and feminism loom large in pop-up art exhibit at DNC
It wasn't just one party who set up a system Trump could use to snoop on his enemies.
Nick Gillespie asks DNC delegates to give it their best shot.
When the Secret Service does the bidding of the two major political parties, free speech is abridged.
Clinton's policies would increase the debt less-but would still leave the budget on an unsustainable path.
Just a string of policies that would waste time and money, create a pointless new class of contraband, and rob many innocents of self-defense.
Bernie dead-enders, BLM politics, and Russkies galore, against a backdrop of European horror
Both Bill and Hillary Clinton continue to thrive despite their remarkable record of sleazy dealings.
Ima Matul was a victim of forced labor, or labor trafficking. In the U.S. and around the world, it's as common if not more common than sex trafficking.
Russia is the most likely culprit. But does that mean we should elect Hillary Clinton?
"Our unlimited support for Israel is very unreasonable and it distorts the understanding of the reality on the ground," one delegate tells Reason.
America is already great, say #demsinphilly, except for all the stagnation, pollution, racism, sexism, etc.
He has not a constitutional bone in his body
Some political figures unsurprisingly think that politicians should be considered role models.
Elizabeth Warren's DNC speech was a vision of government unbounded by cost or consequences.
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