The United States of America Did Torture, Actually
Few Americans realize what cruelties have been inflicted in their name.
Few Americans realize what cruelties have been inflicted in their name.
Also say 70 percent of the casualties were civilians
Ten years ago this week, Americans were about to be introduced to a strange new concept: "catastrophic success."
John Bolton, Karl Rove also defended the president's policy
7 forgettable State of the Union speeches by second-term presidents
"Strong", "sound" and "confident" mainstays of presidential vocabulary
Bush family not confirming details
Obama's counter-terror policies break ground Bush could only dream of
Views of the way Americans do business still positive though
Got those spending priorities straight
Extraordinary renditions ramped down, extrajudicial killings ramped up
Tells conference attendees to remember immigrant contributions to country
Less than one-fourth of the Bush tax cuts benefit "the rich"
It's unnecessary, ineffective, and expensive. And that's just for starters.
Has been keeping a safe distance from politics since leaving office
Despite the fearmongering on both sides, the differences between Obama and Romney's foreign policies are largely cosmetic
Mitt Romney's and Barack Obama's visions for government are more alike than different.
At 46 percent it beats Romney's 43, Biden's 42 and the GOP's 41. Obama scores a favorability rating of 52 and Bill Clinton 64 twelve years after he left office
The Fraser Institute releases its annual rankings.
Sept. 11th has changed America radically--and not for the better.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq was negotiated by the Bush administration and the Obama administration actually wanted to delay the deadline
For the invasion of Iraq, which the Nobel peace prize laureate also says could have triggered the civil war in Syria and cause a wider conflict with Iran. No word on the current U.S. president
Tired of W. being blamed for everything
Times columnist messes with Texas and loses in laugh-free, fact-challenged airdrop.
From zombies attacks to scheming bar owners, these shows reflect today's climate of fear and loathing
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