Politics Obama to Congress: Screw You, "Fast and Furious" is My Special Secret Brian Doherty | 6.20.2012 12:41 PM
Politics Eric Holder Was "Mesmerized" and "Repulsed" by Video of Christopher Hitchens Waterboarding Ed Krayewski | 6.4.2012 10:15 AM
Politics Huffington Post Reporter Asks Eric Holder Why Obama Was Less Than Truthful to Rolling Stone About Marijuana Laws Lucy Steigerwald | 4.30.2012 8:45 PM
Politics What We Saw at the Occupy the Justice Dept. Rally in DC! Anthony Fisher, Joshua Swain, and Lucy Steigerwald | 4.25.2012 1:30 PM
Politics Newt Gingrich Tells Us About the Justice System and Experts Ed Krayewski | 4.11.2012 7:42 PM
Politics Eric Holder in 1995: We "really need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way." Nick Gillespie | 3.19.2012 8:00 AM
Politics The Great Gibson Guitar Raid: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed Anthony Fisher | 2.23.2012 3:00 PM
Politics Leak Complaints End Federal Witch Hunt Against Lance Armstrong Tim Cavanaugh | 2.3.2012 6:52 PM
Politics Obama's Administration Continues Its Record of Criminal Cases Against "Leakers" Brian Doherty | 1.24.2012 10:25 AM
Politics Department of Justice: One in Five Uses of Force by the Seattle Police Department Are Unconstitutional Lucy Steigerwald | 12.16.2011 6:10 PM
Politics Ron Paul: His Adman Profiled, By Rush Reviled; Sullivan Wants to Hail Him, and Eric Holder? Paul Wants to Jail Him Brian Doherty | 12.14.2011 3:50 PM
Politics Crooks Talk to Congress; Netflix Ninth-Worst Company; Comrade Vlad, and more: Reason Evening Links Tim Cavanaugh | 12.8.2011 6:59 PM
Politics Holder Fast and Furious Testimony: "I'm a big guy. I've been in Washington a long time." Tim Cavanaugh | 12.8.2011 3:44 PM
Politics Reason.tv: Obama's DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana Zach Weissmueller and Tracy Oppenheimer | 11.29.2011 1:04 PM