House Passes (Probably Futile) Border Bill
But it plays to the yahoos
Two thirds of Americans live within a hundred miles of a border or coast, where feds are allowed to violate more of their rights
No easy solutions to the border mess in sight.
Thousands of Central American children are fleeing prohibition-related violence.
Jose Antonio Vargas detained while attempting to board flight in Texas
While trying to depart via McAllen airport in Texas.
A relatively borderless world that allows free movement of people will be more tolerant, because immigrants carry with them their own antidote to "prejudice."
Mexican allegedly struck the border agent in the head with a rock
Killing of border patrol agent revealed the government gun-running scandal
Told him they were an "ecological threat," but not until he discovered them missing at his final destination and was told by his airline to call Customs
Arizona Minuteman pointed weapon at sheriff's deputy after mistaking him for a drug runner
Nothing says "big government" like controlling individuals through massive federal programs, electrified fences, and biometric ID cards.
A bill backed by leading Republicans and Democrats, big business, and government-co-opted unions is bound to have missed some things.
That's with the "border surge"
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