Biden's Orders Continue the Presidency's Slide Toward Elective Monarchy
If the refusal of lawmakers to enact a president's policies is justification for unilateral executive action, then a slide toward elective monarchy is inevitable.
If the refusal of lawmakers to enact a president's policies is justification for unilateral executive action, then a slide toward elective monarchy is inevitable.
Let people join with the like-minded to reject officials and laws that don’t suit them and to construct systems that do.
Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is force. We could use a little less of that, please.
Maxine Eichner's The Free-Market Family laments the bad public policy that makes it hard for parents to juggle work and child care, but often arrives at the wrong solutions.
The show takes plenty of creative license, but viewers are smart enough to distinguish drama from documentary.
Inspired by Germany's notorious hate-speech law, more countries seek to impose steep penalties on platforms that don't comply with their censorship whims.
Expansive and expensive government programs represent irresistible temptations for sticky-fingered crooks.
A president from a party supposedly committed to restraining the federal government is now sending enforcers to cities over local objections.
If there's one thing at which governments have excelled during this crisis, it's been collecting fines from anybody who steps out of line.
Real police reform requires backing off efforts to force people to do things they don’t want to do.
Governments overplayed their hands with mandates that they are losing the ability to enforce.
Leave people room to experiment with approaches to protecting life, liberty, and property.
Top-down, one-size-fits-few mandates are recipes for conflict.
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Competent responses to the crisis have come from people and organizations voluntarily helping each other and themselves.
People sometimes regret actions taken hastily during a crisis but find reversing them diabolically difficult.
In a time of health crisis, government has proven to be a crippling underlying condition.
Government officials’ disdain for personal liberty and economic pain drive Americans to the streets.
Government agencies and public utilities are the most preposterous examples of stasis. The coronavirus might force them, finally, to innovate and join the modern world.
A pandemic becomes an excuse for treating people as playing pieces in a game.
Most serious approaches to the crisis, however, are decidedly libertarian. They involve reducing regulations that keep industries from responding rapidly in an emergency situation.
"We have the capacity to keep this contained," Mayor Bill de Blasio told New Yorkers on March 2.
When this is all over, don’t expect politicians to lose their taste for ordering us around.
It’s all part of the international push by officials to monitor the public. You’re next.
Plus: Libertarianism in the 2020s, Trump's flavored vape ban, and more...
Philanthropy helps others. Government controls them instead.
A more active government wins growing approval, but only so long as it doesn’t raise taxes, require tradeoffs, or interfere with private enterprise.
Plus: Intent "doesn't matter" on social media?, an interesting productivity experiment, prostitution arrests, PragerU's lawsuit, internet access progress, and more...
For all their harrumphing about the evils of corporate influence-peddling, left-wing demagogues are willfully blind to the biggest influence-seekers in state and federal capitols.
Say hello to "Cash for Clunkers 2.0."
Longstanding discipline problems at DHS provide a glimpse of what fans of bigger government on the right and left would inflict on us.
The state attempted to recall the vanity plate on the grounds that it referenced "excretory acts or functions."
"I'm an animal lover, and I feel guilty that they're wandering around out there and they have nothing to eat."
If governments can oppress, they usually will.
Karaoke and beer? No. Karaoke, pool, and beer? OK!
MUST Ministries has provided millions of children with free lunch sandwiches, but an old rule could change their program.
When libertarians dole out blame for the growth of government, perhaps we should take a look in the mirror.
Plus: Tumblr porn filters catch company's own examples of permitted content and how the GOP learned to love bailouts.
Journalists, like other Americans, will have an easier time only when the struggle for control of government stops mattering so much.
The number of structurally deficient bridges, never high to begin with, has been dropping over the past 30 years.
Government shutdowns are opportunities to reveal how unnecessary much of government is.
Putting yourself on a registry of people who engage in activities, or own goods, that are even mildly controversial makes you vulnerable to abusive officials.
Columbia's Philip Hamburger says this "monarchical" system of government grew in power just as blacks and women saw an expansion of their voting rights.
The Republican Party hates immigrants more than it hates big government.
It shouldn't surprise you when politicians show their true nature.
Conservatives who claim that immigrants import anti-liberty attitudes are wrong.
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