Big Government
Stop and Frisk: How the Right Learned to Love Gun Control
If any other program had a 98 percent failure rate, conservatives would hold it up as a shining example of everything that's wrong with big government.
Stop-and-Frisk: How Government Creates Problems, Then Makes Them Worse
We should be concerned whenever the executive branch unilaterally declares it will write its own law.
Forfeiture Laws Turn Public Officials Into Profiteers
The lure of revenues has distorted police priorities as money-hungry agencies think more about grabbing property than about fairly applying the law.
Climate Change Myths
Just because humans sometimes damage the environment doesn't mean government is competent to fix the problem.
Is America on the Decline?
The fall of Rome is a pattern repeated by empires throughout history. Does that include us?
Melissa Harris-Perry Couldn't Be More Wrong About the Roots of Detroit's Bankruptcy
Detroit in 2011 had around twice as many municipal employees per capita as cities with comparable populations.
The "Insanity" of Obamacare
Who are the real crazies when it comes to pushing for bigger government?
Life-Strangling Laws from the Unelected
Lawyers are making a killing off barber shops and bars with poor claims of inequality.
President Obama Puts Politics Above the Rule of Law
From aiding Egypt to Obamacare, this administration demonstrates no regard for the Constitution.
Independence Day Celebrates a Nation Founded on the Right Ideals
Why the U.S. is still prosperous.
What We Know About Government Is Scarier Than What it Knows About Us
We have bigger problems than the NSA.
Big Government Is the Problem, Not Edward Snowden
If the media spent half the time investigating the NSA that they spend sneering at whistleblowers, Americans might demand an end to spying.
How Obamacare Empowers the IRS
The president's health care overhaul requires a massive expansion of the controversial tax agency.
Let's Divorce Marriage from the Government
Government neutrality is the best way to ensure fairness and social peace.
Modern-Day Puritans Want to Ban Things That Make Us Happy
The government bans fun, not danger.
Motives Aside, the NSA Should Not Spy on Us
We may have more to fear from spies acting out of patriotic zeal than those acting out of power lust or economic interest.
Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer
U.S. GDP is just $16 trillion instead of $54 trillion
Michael Lind's Obtuse Attack on Liberty and Libertarianism
Statists like him are on the wrong side of history
What If Government Officials Broke the Laws We Hired Them to Enforce?
What if they prosecuted others for breaking the same laws they broke?
CBS's Sharyl Attkisson Sees Her Skepticism of Government Finally Shared by Colleagues
A big reality check is all it took
Why D.C. Is the Richest Region in the Country
All that marble in D.C. shouldn't make you feel patriotic.
Sen. Ron Johnson Launches "Victims of Government" Project
The Wisconsin Republican wants to show how the government oftentimes hurts average Americans