Obama Outlines Four Steps To "Move the Debate Forward" on Surveillance
Says that it is right to ask questions about surveillance
Says that it is right to ask questions about surveillance
Canceling meeting could be just the start
Expected to announce a national security transparency initiative
Says he admires the Russian president's strength and courage
Despite recent security threats
Says both are threatened by disagreements in Congress
Now opposes them as president
What's Obama going to do, cut off the Tonight Show's access?
Expected to endorse plans to make implicit bailouts a thing of the past
Terrorist group still around despite Osama Bin Laden's death
Little movement on a lot of progressive objectives
Because of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden being granted temporary asylum
When's the last time this guy answered a tough question?
Will reject budget that only spares defense from cuts
Bernanke's term ends in January 2014
Wants them to urge the military to organize elections
A cut in corporate tax rates in exchange for job programs
Limiting surveillance to individuals who are actually being investigated is not a radical idea.
Doesn't say if the president will veto cuts or allow government shutdown
Freedom, not regulation, is what the U.S. needs right now.
Reps. Justin Amash and John Conyers tried to protect the Constitution. Barack Obama, not so much.
Campaign committee doing serious business
Good luck working class!
Obama talked about working together and stuff
Yes, we've known they're suck-ups for quite a while now
Expected to say a government shutdown won't do the economy much good