How To Protect Americans Without Destroying the 2nd Amendment: Podcast
Nick Gillespie talks with National Review's Robert VerBruggen about the Texas church shooting.
Nick Gillespie talks with National Review's Robert VerBruggen about the Texas church shooting.
26 people have been killed at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.
So, too, have the politicians who said they really, really wanted a ban on the firearm accessory.
The leader of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus explains why prohibiting the suddenly notorious gun accessories is rash and dangerous.
The bill, sponsored by both Republicans and Democrats, would ban much more than just bump stocks.
If you strip away legal protections for rights valued by millions of Americans, you're just going to make them angry to no good end.
Reason's Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Matt Welch on why government-mandated birth control and the NRA both suck.
The device's ineffectiveness and unpopularity make it an easy sacrifice.
Today in the news: up is down, left is right, cats are dogs
A response to New York Times columnist Bret Stephens and his call to "repeal the Second Amendment."
Get your bump stocks while you can.
Reason's Jacob Sullum talks about making effective policy in the wake of tragedy.
Anti-gun activists are pushing for a crackdown in the wake of the Vegas shooting. That's understandable but wrong.
The vote confirms a split that invites the Supreme Court to settle the issue.
The John Brown Gun Club uses the Second Amendment to underline their First Amendment rights.
Company asks the Supreme Court to hear its case for being allowed to put 3D printing plans for guns on its website.
The organization's spokesperson seems to think Castile's cannabis consumption is relevant, but it's not clear why.
A Miami judge says defendants bear the burden of proving self-defense, but criminal justice reformers and the NRA say it's the government's job.
This confiscation, even beyond Second Amendment concerns, amounts to an unconstitutional taking of personal property.
"Yanez walking away from this case a free and clear man is just wrong," says Colion Noir.
Philando Castile died because he exercised his right to bear arms.
Seven seconds after Castile told a police officer he had a legal gun, he was shot seven times.
Since possessing a firearm in public may be perfectly legal, more is required for a police stop.
Exemption for former police and other types of government officials in Gun-Free School Zone Act violates equal protection of the law for other licensed gun carriers, suit argues.
Psychologist Daniel Levitin describes his decision to keep firearms for self-defense as emotionally satisfying but irrational.
Does conviction for a crime mean a permanent ban?
The president signs a bill overriding a Social Security rule that would have arbitrarily nullified Second Amendment rights.
"I should be able to save my own life anywhere, anytime."
The appeals court says the prohibited guns and magazines are outside the scope of the Second Amendment.
The right to armed self-defense is not a license to muzzle nosy doctors.
Bad reporting, and bad attitudes, make a sensible move to prevent the government from discriminating against certain Social Security recipients seem like sheer madness.
Opinion from 4th Circuit Court of Appeals implies that exercising your Second Amendment rights means you inherently lose some of your Fourth and First Amendment rights.
The consolidated case overturned the application of U.S. Code 922(g)(1) in two cases where the convicted criminals' crimes were not serious enough to deny them Second Amendment rights, according to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
Do Americans have a constitutional right to own and use armed drones for self-defense?
Even in states that have legalized marijuana, using it means sacrificing your right to armed self-defense.
Wilson sat down with Reason TV to discuss his new memoir "Come and Take It: The Gun Printer's Guide to Thinking Free."
Washington's new law authorizing court-ordered disarmament is even worse than California's.
Is hosting a file that instructs a 3D printer how to make a plastic gun such a threat to national security that the First Amendment must take a back seat?
Legal scholar laid the groundwork for the modern revolution in sensible Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Huff was expected to remain on the team after his arrest, but was cut after pointing out many athletes carry guns.
Is plastic gun printer Cody Wilson an 'open source terrorist' or a free speech hero?
While Trump does not know what the Constitution says, his opponent doesn't care.
The former 'Dirty Jobs' host makes a successful leap from cable television to social media stardom.
The Democratic nominee says "there's an individual right to arms" but does not think it includes handgun ownership or self-defense in the home.
The case founders on its extravagant definition of negligent entrustment.
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