Not All Regulation Is Bad
Just the kind imposed by governments
Trump's first Supreme Court pick is better on civil liberties than his critics want to admit.
The Founders liked militias, but they also liked an armed citizenry. To them, the two ideas were inseparable.
What libertarians can learn from Catholic social doctrine
Regulation and litigation rule the day, but sometimes cash should be king.
A Trick of Light is the result of an unorthodox collaboration between the accomplished young adult novelist and the late Spider-Man creator.
If, at the end of all this, President Mike Pence sits behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office, what has been accomplished?
In Louisiana, the legal medical marijuana scheme is a mess: Physicians' hands are tied by state regulators and there's not enough pot to go around for the patients who need it.
Faced with a president they find repulsive to the core and with unfunded future payment obligations in the many trillions, Democrats think now is the time to really unleash Washington.
It's probably true that there is no magic ratio of legislators to constituents. Still, do Californians need more representation?
Cops can now request access to videos recorded by Ring, bypassing that pesky step of obtaining a search warrant first.
What happens when preservationists get in the way of a diner owner who is looking to sell his place, retire, and pocket the cash?
Milton Friedman once said that "money is much too serious a matter to be left to the central bankers." He was right. Still, we should ensure the Fed isn't being swayed by partisan interests.
For decades, the U.S. Postal Service has charged some countries less than it charges domestic shippers to move packages within the United States.
"We are a prison system that's overstuffed and under-guarded, and that is a lethal combination of policies," says state Sen. Jeff Brandes.
Halloween combines the two things we fear most in America today—kids actually leaving the house, and food other than hummus and baby carrots being fed to them.
Of the 50 states, three territories, and 10 provinces that make up the United States and Canada, all but one have legalized some form of either medical or recreational cannabis.
TV's cultural dominance is unchecked by anything except your own time, and increasingly tailored to your unique interests and obsessions.
The vast majority of opium users in China were not the desperate addicts portrayed by proponents of prohibition.
Golden Rice has potential to help millions of people in developing countries, but government regulators, the UN, and anti-GMO activists have gotten in the way.
The Netflix original series chronicles the origins and development of the FBI's profiling unit and its quest to identify serial murderers.
Was rocketry pioneer Frank Malina written out of some histories of space exploration for his political sins?
The erudite author and television commentator is not ready to give up on conservatism just yet.
News of politicians, police, and bureaucrats behaving badly from around the world
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